Bono’s daughter, Eve Hewson said that her dad’s celebrity status can bring out the worst in people and she’s learned how to spot the fakers.
Hewson (21) is currently studying acting at New York City University and says that most of the time she is not recognized. But when people want to become friends with her because of her rock star connection, it’s obvious. She can instantly recognize the people who are only interested in befriending her because of her father’s fame.
She told ‘Flaunt’ magazine, “It’s made it, in some ways, easier to find friends because it brings out certain bad things in people.”
She added, “Then you can see easier. Well, you can smell the desperation in people.” Hewson commented about other people, “It’s just like, how you can hang out, if you can tell a good story, if you can make a good laugh.”
Her parents kept her out of the limelight while she was growing up in southside Dublin. She said, “Obviously, every now and then someone would start singing a U2 song at a party, but aside from that, it’s not really about who you are, what you have.” She is Bono’s youngest daughter. She has an older sister, Jordan (23) and two younger brothers, Elijah (14) and John Abraham (11).
The young actress is already heading towards a celebrity status all her own. She has received praise for her performance ‘This Must Be the Place’ in which she plays the surrogate daughter of a depressed rock star, who was played by Sean Penn. However, she says she did not receive much attention while the film was in production. She said, “Nobody really cares about me. There are other famous actors on set that are more fascinating.”
Hewson recently finished filming ‘Blood Ties’, which features many big Hollywood names. Clive Owen, Billy Crudup, James Caan, and Marion Cotillard star in the film.
She says Juliette Lewis and Evan Rachel are her influences and likes that Frances McDormand chooses different, sometimes quirky roles. Hewson said, “I think you have to be very forward about what you want. You have to be confident that you have a vision and that you want to play different sides of yourself. I think the crazier and weirder you are you will be able to get out there.”
