Curses! It appears Robert Pattinson will not be playing Spider-Man after all, according to the Los Angeles Times, which points out that he would be too old for the role, because it is expected to have Spidey back in high school.
The big advantage for Rob as Spider-Man was that we would not have had to look at his grimy features for most of the movie, as he would be dressed as Spidey.
But let's not give up faith. Here are a few roles that Pattinson might be a perfect fit for.
Batman – again, the face would be covered for most of the movie. Holy Twilight, Robin, I would predict a runaway success!
Robin – not so good as RPatz would only have to cover half of his face up.
Zorro – the old swordsman extraordinaire would be a great fit for Rob. Again the mask would really help with the up close stuff.
The Lone Ranger – wonderful but the Brit accent might be a drawback. Never mind, Indians didn't always play Tonto either.
Bin Laden's wife – yes, dressed in a burqua, it would be the perfect fit for Rob. We wouldn't even have to worry about his poor acting skills as no one would know it was him.