Siobhan Magnus, the Irish American from Cape Cod, is back an on tour with other ‘American Idol ‘ finalists. She recently gave an interview to and talked about an alternative life as a jelly beans flavor inventor!
Asked about what it meant to tour with Idol she said:
“There are definitely times when you meet fans and it hits you in the face, what's going on. It's really easy to let things happen so quickly that you kind of lose perspective. I can be aloof because I'm tired or just overwhelmed.
"It's easy to get kind of lost in it, but sometimes I'll meet someone that expresses the impact I've had on them. I can't believe that what I did made such a difference to that person. It reminds me to be humble and remember how blessed we are to be here. To have the opportunity to share that with so many people, it's really the coolest thing.”
She also talked about her band Lunar Valve :
“That was me and four of my best friends, all guys. I'm just one of the guys with them. We're still together really, we never broke up. It's just an obvious hiatus we've had to take. But we've been playing together since we were about 16. We've recorded a whole album's worth of original stuff together. We would play out at home, play different battle of the bands, stuff like that."
Her favorite performance on Idol?
“It's really hard to say because each performance meant something in its own way. One of my favorites was singing "House of the Rising Sun." It was a perfect coincidence that I picked the song for that week, because I found out my dad was coming out to see the show after I picked it. I wanted to do it for him anyway because it's one of his favorite songs. It's my big connection I have with him, that song and how much it means to me. It's such a beautiful story. So I was really excited about what I was able to do, sort of combining the Animals' version with the Sinead O'Connor version."
Her lifetime highlight meeting the Hanson brothers:
“There were things that happened between leaving the show and starting the tour that blew my mind. I got to meet Hanson. I met them the night of the finale at the party afterwards. I was surprised because no one told me they were coming. I was in complete shock. I cried and cried. Then a few weeks later when we started rehearsing for the tour, I got to sing with them. So, pretty much, I can die happy.”
If she wasn’t in music what would she like to do?
“I'd love to do things like be an inventor. Like a flavor engineer scientist for Jelly Belly, and make new flavors of jellybeans.”
