She's famous for being a single mom, a jited ex-girlfriend and a dancing show star, but Bristol is also a Palin. That means she gets invites to Fox News and Sean Hannity is curious about her future.
On Thursday night Palin told Hannity on his show that she would not rule out the possibility of running for office, although she felt it was too soon to make a major decision about it one way or another the Huffington Post reported.
'I don't think I'd shut it completely yet,' she said, referring to a door into a political career. 'I'm only 21, but not any time soon.'
Palin also refused to speculate if her mother, who ran and then resigned as Alaska Governor, would run for office again.
'We all have tough skin,' Palin said, reflecting on her famous family. 'We're all strong. Our roots are very grounded. Whatever she does, we're going to support her.'
Palin was on Hannity's show to plug another reality show she's staring in, this one titled 'Life's a Tripp,' named after her three year old son and chronicling her life as America's most famous conservative single mother.
'No matter what I'm doing, people are going to be talking about me,' Palin told Hannity. 'I might as well have a platform and talk about things that are important to me, and show other girls that it's not easy.'
Although Palin still appears to hold a grudge for Levi Johnston, the unlikely Playgirl model and father of her child, she refrained from criticizing him. In conversation with Hannity she admitted she was 'sad that Tripp doesn't have an active father figure.'
Palin also admits she has some reservations about the upcoming Lifetime series, which has yet to air. She's already on record expressing some regrets about how it turned out.
'If I would have known it was my own name and so much in my life is gonna be shown on this show, I think I would reconsider it and think about it more,' Palin said of the series.
Life's a Tripp premieres on the Lifetime channel on Tuesday, June 19.
