Father Daniel McFalls, who quit his post at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Stockton, CA, has announced that his son Gabriel has arrived. Last week Father McFalls, known as Dean, told his congregation “A child will soon be born, and I am the baby’s father”.
With these words McFalls voluntarily quit his post recently, admitting he had gotten a woman pregnant and leaving his congregants reeling.
But at least one member of his congregations professed herself glad, calling him 'flirty.'
Diana Garcia, who has attended the church for 15 years, told Fox News: 'He’s gone after girls before and he’s gone after my daughters.'
'He’s just lustful, he didn’t say he was in love or would marry the girl, no. It’s not about being a sinner, it’s about playing with God, he made a vow, this is a priest we’re talking about.'
In a letter sent to the church and read to his congregation, McFalls said: 'I know this comes as a shock to you, and to many a disappointment.
'I assume full responsibility for my actions and will do all that I can so that my child receives the care and love that he deserves.
'As St. Paul told the Romans: 'God makes all things work together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his decree,' and though the Lord never decreed that I sin, he does command that all life be respected and nurtured.'
According to the Daily Mail McFalls' was given an indefinite leave of absence by Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, head of the Diocese of Stockton, and will now have to decide if he wants to remain a priest.
Now the St. Mary of The Assumption Parish will have to find a new priest after McFalls' sudden resignation.
Priests make their vows for life, so McFalls could serve other communities and continue to perform his priestly duties, such as marrying people, unless he volunteers to 'laicise' himself.
Laicisation is the official process carried out by The Holy See in Rome to effectively 'unmake' a Catholic priest.
Many congregants are unaware that priests do not have to laicise themselves following sexual relations, even if a child is born. The Church is free to deal with them in the same way they deal with adulterous husbands who may wish to continue being married.
The process of 'laicisation' is uncommon, but it has increased significantly in recent times following the Catholic Church's international child abuse scandal.
Here’s the latest report from Fox40:
