AS independents have shown in the U.S. electing Barack Obama president in 2008, independents will lead the way in Ireland in 2011.
Fine Gael, Fianna Fail, the Greens and Sinn Fein should reach out to all independents because not only will independents get you elected, but they will have a lot to say about Ireland and what needs to be done about the Irish political situation and the economic crisis effecting the Emerald Isle.
There are no solutions, just more questions and a listening ear. These questions have to be asked by the common people, not the political elite.
Most common people aren't featured in the Irish Voice, but they should be. This would really represent the breath of the Irish Voice, as your paper is called .
You could reach out and listen and learn their history and culture. The Irish Voice needs to hear from independents and Irish people of color, as Irish are the leaders of oppressed people the world over.
Be prepared for the next revolution. The people will be victorious. Cork and Kerry on my mother’s side are the warriors in waiting.
One of the people’s voices …
Charles Knapp
Brooklyn, New York