Cormac MacConnell
Cormac MacConnell is a veteran writer and journalist. His much loved column, about his life in County Clare and observations about Irish life, has appeared in the Irish Voice for close to 30 years.
Latest Stories
Beware the ides of March - violent ambushes in Ireland past and present
St. Brigid, Ireland's other patron saint, left in the shadow of a man
From the Clare side of the moon
Yuletide in the neighborhood of Kilaloe, County Clare
The journey of a China tea set from 1930s Boston to County Clare
“Silent Night Christmas in the Trenches 1915” a holiday chart-topper?
We bet you don’t know a John Thomas!
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Michael Daniel Higgins slays “The Dragons” in Irish presidential election
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- 1 Photos of Ireland: Vote for your favorite in My Irish Cousin's photo competition!
- 2 On This Day: Irish American Bruce Springsteen was "born in the USA"
- 3 Two Irish favorites combine in this delicious apple and Jameson tart recipe
- 4 The top five places to visit in County Tipperary
- 5 On This Day: Celebrated Irish artist Robert Ballagh was born in 1943
- 6 Tracing your Irish ancestry - The Brennan Clan
- 7 On This Day: "Typhoid" Mary Mallon was born in Co Tyrone
- 8 Fall into autumn with this Bramley apple strudel recipe from Bord Bia
- 9 All about the Irish surname O'Hara