American comedian Michael Kosta jokingly mocked  Britain for "making two Irelands" during the opening monologue of the first episode of "The Daily Show" in five months. 

Tasked with the difficult challenge of providing humor while discussing the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, Kosta took a different tack, making fun of the American social media "experts" who post frequently about the subject. 

"I have friends on Facebook who have the whole Middle East figured out, when I know for a fact they can't even get car insurance," Kosta said at the top of Monday night's show. "Hey Joe, don't you have three DUIs? Maybe you should focus on you." 

Instead of taking a side and blaming Israel or Hamas for the ongoing war, Kosta instead directed his blame at Britain in a humorous opening monologue on the first Daily Show episode since the end of the Hollywood writers' strike. 

"Everyone has an opinion for who's responsible for it - it's Israel, it's Palestine, it's Netanyahu, it's Hamas - everyone's taking a side, but everyone is wrong. I spent the weekend reading two lengthy Wikipedia articles and I think it's pretty clear who we can blame for all of this mess - the British.

"They're the ones who barged into the Middle East 100 years ago and drew the borders that caused all this mess.

"They did it all around the world by the way. How much of modern civilization is just undoing all of Britain's bad decisions? You want to know how bad they f***ed up maps? They made Ireland into two Irelands. It's an island, it didn't need borders, but the British were like 'Here you go'.

"Maybe that's the best way we can find peace. Israel and Palestine it's time to put your grievances aside and join together to invade Britain."