Completed the 101 word challenge we posted?
Check out in our list below how you did. Do you still have the cúpla focal?
- Tá - I (positive) + verb
- Níl - I (negative) + verb
- Mé - me
- Tú - you
- Sé - him
- Sí - her
- Agus - and
- Isteach - in
- Amach - out
- Dia Duit -hello
- Fáilte - welcome
- Beag -small
- Mór - big
- Nua - new
- Sásta - happy/satisfied
- Brón - sad
- Grá - love
- Mná - women
- Fir - men
- Cailín -girl
- Buachaill - boy
- Bia - food
- Cóipleabhar - copy book
- Bainne - milk
- Siúcra - sugar
- Uisce - water
- Tae - tea
- Caifé - coffee
- Bricfeasta - breakfast
- Cáca Milis - cake
- Cupán - cup
- Milseán - sweet
- Conas atá tú? - How are you?
- Go maith - Good
- Go raibh maith agat - Thank you
- Slán - Goodbye
- Abhaile - home
- Craic - fun
- Sláinte - cheers
- Lá - day
- Seachtain - week
- Lámh - hand
- Bróg - shoe
- Súil - eye
- Béal - mouth
- Croí -heart
- Fiacla - teeth
- Hata - hat
- Geansaí - jumper/sweater
- Aon - one
- Dó - two
- Trí - three
- Ceathar - four
- Cúig - five
- Sé - six
- Seacht - seven
- Ocht - eight
- Naoi - nine
- Gaeilge - Irish
- Béarla - English
- Éire - Ireland
- Raidió - radio
- Teilifís - television
- Liathróid - ball
- Bainisteoir - manager
- Ticéad - ticket
- Dearg - red
- Bán - white
- Dubh - black
- Glas - green
- Gorm - blue
- Oráiste - orange
- Nuacht - news
- Aimsir - weather
- Sneachta - snow
- Fliuch - wet
- Garda Síochána - Name of the Irish police force
- An Post - Name of the national Irish postal service
- Scoil - school
- Coláiste - college
- Taoiseach - Irish prime minister
- Tánaiste - name for the deputy prime minister
- Dáil - legislative assembly
- Pictiúrlann - cinema
- Snámh - swim
- Rith - run
- Leaba - bed
- Doras - door
- Fuinneog - window
- Leithreas - toilet
- Bosca - box
- Brúscar - rubbish
- Ceol - music
- Leabhar - book
- Siopa - shop
- Rothar - bicycle
- Tacsaí - taxi
- Bóthar - road
- Cnoc - hill
- Madra - dog
- Capall - horse

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