Irish lad Jacob, described by his mother as a "funny little old soul," racked up hundreds of thousands of views on TikTok.

"I'm gonna explain about something - St. Patrick's Day," wee Jacob said in the video shared by his Mammy Donna in 2022 on her @keepupwithjacob TikTok account which has drawn more than two million followers.

“St. Patrick took all the evil snakes out of Ireland," Jacob explained to his Mammy. "They won't come back ever again!"

Pointing to his festive green top, Jacob said: "Do you know clovers is very lucky for St. Patrick's Day?"

With a big smile and enthusiastic thumbs-up, Jacob ends the video saying: "Mammy, do you know what? I love being Irish."

As it turns out, wee Jacob has got his finger firmly on the pulse of what it means to be Irish. In another viral video, chock full of giggles, Jacob lists "things Irish people say" which includes such hits as...

"Ah, here!"

"Awh stop!"

"Do you know what I mean?"

"Are you for real?"

"Ahh I'm not in the humor"

"Relax the cax"

"Stick the kettle on, will ya!" 

"I swear!"

“Ah sure go on”

"Go on bye"

Watch on TikTok

If Jacob hasn't won you over just yet, check out this absolutely heartwarming video of him telling his doting mammy that "we are always going to stay together."

"We'll never stop chatting," he says.

Watch on TikTok

* Originally published in Feb 2022, updated in Feb 2023.