Eejet, pox, gobshite: Irish people have many colorful ways to describe each other.Facts./YouTube

The Irish certainly have a way with words!

Ever laughed along when an Irish person has called you a strange name, unsure whether you’re being insulted or complimented?

The Irish people in this video are here to save your blushes as they explain all the insults unique to the Emerald Isle and set you up with a few retorts for the next time you’re called an eejit.

The YouTube channel 'Facts.' took to St. Stephen’s Green shopping center in Dublin's city center back in 2015 to ask these passers-by to explain the art of the Irish insult and how exactly to distinguish between the likes of a pox and a gowl.

Facts. says: "Brush up on these or you'll look like an awful gobshite altogether!"

Make sure you’re not left looking the amadán by brushing up on your Irish insult skills with this video.


"It's Irish for stupid."


"If you mess up, you're a gobshite."


Like gobshite, but a bit  more "serious."


An insult preferred by "old country men in pubs."


"Just an awful thing to be, really."

Cute Hoor

"A culchie thing." Either a "good looking woman or a sly lad."


"Useless and annoying combined."

H/T: Facts./YouTube

*Originally published in 2015. Updated in January 2024.