Dr. Norah Patten will embark on a space mission in 2026 alongside a female researcher from the US and a female researcher from Canada.

TikTok star Garron Noone was amongst those expressing their pride following the news that Dr. Patten would become the first Irish person in Space and warned "There’s going to be an Irish pub on every star in the sky by the end of the decade."

Garron said: "When the Irish go somewhere, we f****** well go there. There’s going to be an Irish pub on every star in the sky by the end of the decade.

"There might not be oxygen to breathe but there’ll be f****** Guinness on tap. There’ll be millions of us up there looking for jobs within weeks."

The content creator added, "before ya know it, there’ll be aliens landing down outside Temple Bar telling us how their grandfather was from Westmeath."

Garron concluded by expressing his pride in his fellow Mayo native, branding Dr. Patten "an absolute hero."

"It’ll be good for Australia as well, they’ll get a break from us because we’ll all be in space," he added.

Reacting to the skit, Dr. Patten commented: "Omg! You absolute legend. Thank you so much you’ll have to come to my launch. Up Mayo!"

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She followed up with a clip on her own page, reacting to the skit.

"Garron, ya absolute legend! Thank you so much for the post. Hello to all my new followers and remember, follow me — I’m equally delicious," she said, paying homage to Garron’s slogan of "Follow me, I’m delicious."

Confirming she was heading to space in recent weeks, Dr Patten said via social media "sometimes impossible dreams can come true.’‘

She said: "I’m so honored, so grateful and so excited to be named alongside @shawnapaandya and @kelliegerardi as a payload specialist on this mission."

Speaking to RTÉ, Dr Patten said she was "grateful" and "thankful" following the news that she was set to embark on the 2026 mission.

* This article was originally published on Extra.ie.