We all know that the Late Late Toy Show is popular but no one was prepared for how much it affected Pornhub's traffic. 

The Late Late Toy Show is a staple in Irish culture and was the most-watched show on Irish television in 2017 and 2016. 

Kids and adults alike just can't get enough of the festive show which showcases all of the new toys and gadgets that will be on everyone's Christmas list each year.

It was still a surprise to find that it is so popular that it actually caused a dip in traffic for the website, Pornhub. 

Pornhub is one of the most popular pornography websites in the world and the 6th most popular website in the USA.

To celebrate another successful year they released their yearly insights which showed some very interesting things. 

On average, they had 81 million visits to the website every day and their biggest searches included 'Rick and Morty', 'Fidget Spinner' and 'Porn For Women'.

The USA is still the biggest user of the website, followed by the UK and then India.

Pornhub's website traffic in the USA dropped by 24% during the Superbowl and by 27% on New Year's Eve. On St. Patrick's Day the website traffic actually went up! 

In Ireland, The Late Late Toy Show proved to be more tempting than the popular site.

Have a look at this: 

Pornhub stats

Website traffic for Pornhub in Ireland dropped by 12% during The Late Late Show. That's a big dip.

In the USA, website traffic went down during a number of different Premieres and Finales. The Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory, Strictly Come Dancing and Game of Thrones all took some traffic away from the site. 

This isn't the first time that Ireland has had some strange trends on the website. 

Last year, during Storm Ophelia traffic on the website exploded as Irish men and women got the day off work. 

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