We all spend time in Ireland in the summer.
Here’s some of the best reasons why it edges out the United States.
1. All the men wearing sandals and socks
Wait I’m not sure that’s a plus.
2. Ice cream 99s (soft vanilla ice cream with a Cadbury’s flake)
My last meal if I am ever to be executed.
3. Empty beaches
It is such a surprise when the weather is good that few people are used to going. Lots of big sandies to yourself.
4. No mosquitos
Ireland is still too cold for the pesky Anopheles quadrimaculatus (that’s Latin for skeeter). Just as well as Irish white skin a mosquito favorite.
5. Big GAA games
Hurling and football make baseball look as exciting as cricket. UGH!
6. Much longer days in Ireland
It’s still bright at 11pm.
7. Rain
And there’s lots of it to cool you down.
As the joke goes, it rained twice when I was in Ireland for a week, once for three days and once for four.
8. Nobody really works in August
All very European while Americans work too hard.
9. The Northern Lights
Okay so maybe they are mostly visible in winter but every so often in remotest Donegal you see them.
10. The pubs
The craic is ninety “and the livin’ is easy.”