Shake things up and get chatting with these Irish language phrases.
From naughty Irish swear words to beautifully crafted seanfhocails (Irish proverbs), these are some of our favorite and easy-to-learn Irish phrases.
The best Irish language swear words
Póg mo thóin! Kiss my ass!
Cic maith se tóin atá de dlíth air! He needs a good kick up the arse!
Rinne tú margairlí cránach de. You made a right balls of it
A bhastaird mór. You big b*stard.
Nach í an bhitseach í? Isn't she a b*tch?
Bhí an aimsir ar feabhas, buíochas le dia. The weather was lovely, thanks be to God
Babble away with these Irish language phrases (Getty Images)
Bhí an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gloch. The sun was splitting the stones.
Ná bí ag iarraidh cluain an chacamais a chur orm! Don't bullsh*t me!
Marbhfháisc ort! May you be wrapped in your shroud
Lá breá ag do chairde - dod adhlacadh! May your friends have a fine day - burying you!
In ainm Chroim. In the name of Crom - a pagan, bloodthirsty God.
Forraib ammarthan do gnúis. May misfortune be on your face!
Millfet lí th’aigthe! I will destroy the beauty of your face = I will kill you!
Gura féis ic faelaib do chorp! May your body be a feast for wolves!
Fognad dúib ág is ernbas! May danger and violent death follow you all!
Gurab bás do rinn nosbéra! May it be death by spear point that takes him!
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The best Irish language weather phrases
Bhí an aimsir ar feabhas, buíochas le dia. The weather was lovely, thanks be to God.
Bhí an trá dubh le daoine! The beach was black with people!
Bhí an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gloch. The sun was splitting the stones.
Laethe madrúla an tsamhraidh. The dog days of summer.
Aimsir bhrothallach. Sultry weather
Tá sé te inniu. It’s hot/warm today.
Bhí an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch. The sun was splitting the stones.
Tá aimsir mhaith againn anois ach tá drochaimsir geallta. We have good weather now, nut bad weather is expected.

A rainbow in Co Tipperary (Getty Images)
Seanfhocail's are beautifully crafted Irish proverbs or words of wisdom. Sometimes they provide cautionary idioms but more often than not contain deeper meanings illuminated by their brevity.
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin. Probably the most famous of all Irish proverbs, literally meaning "there's no hearth like your own hearth," i.e. There's no place like home.
Is e do bhaile do chaislean. Your house is your castle.
An té nach mbeireann ar an ngnó, beireann an gnó air. He who doesn’t get a grip on the job, the job grips him.
An té is mó gníomh is é is lú buíochas. Great deeds go un-thanked.
An ní a thainig leis an ghaoth rachaidh sé leis an bháisteach. What comes with the wind will go with the rain.
Ní dhíolann dearmad fiacha (just because you’ve forgotten a debt, it doesn’t mean you no longer owe it). When someone “forgets” it is their turn to buy the next round.
Tógfaidh dath dubh ach ní thógfaidh dubh dath. (A garment can be dyed black but a black cloth cannot be dyed any other color). It is easier to defame someone than to restore their reputation.
Bíonn caora dhubh ar an tréad is gile. (Even the brightest flock has a black sheep).
There is always one!
An rud a chíonn an leanbh is é a níonn an leanbh. What the child sees the child does
Is sia dúch an scolaire ná fuil an mhairtírigh. A scholar's ink lasts longer than a martyr's blood.
Ná díol do chearc lá fliuch. Don’t sell your hen on a rainy day.
In am an ghátair a bhraitear an chabhair. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Bíonn dhá dtrian mioscaise ar fhear fógartha. He who calls a quarrel must take two-thirds of the blame.
Ní bhfaigheann an lámh iata ach an dorn dúnta. A closed hand gets nothing but a shut fist.
Má chailleann tú uair ar maidin beidh tú á tóraíocht i rith an lae. If you lose an hour in the morning you’ll be looking for it all day.
Is fearr clú ná conách. A good name is better than riches.
Is fearr amharc amháin romhat ná dhá amharc i do dhiaidh. Better a look ahead than two looks back.
Anáil na beatha an t-athrú. Change is the breath of life; a change is as good as a rest.
Ní chronaítear an t-uisce go dtriomaítear an tobar. The water isn’t missed until the well dries up.
Toigh do chuideachta sula raghair ag ól. Choose your company before you go drinking.
Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scoilb. A windy day is not a day for thatching.
Cuir an breac san eangach sula gcuire tú sa phota é. Put the trout in the net before you put it in the pot.
Is fearr clú ná conách. A good name is better than riches.
Is trom an t-ualach an t-aineaolas. Ignorance is a heavy burden.
Is fearr go mall ná go brách. Better late than never.
An rud a bhíonn, bíonn se. That which is, is.
Mar a bhíos an cú mór bíonn an coileán. Like father like son.
An áit a mbíonn mná bíonn caint agus an áit a mbíonn géanna bíonn callán. Where there are women there is talk, and where there are geese there is cackling.
Níor líon beannacht bolg riamh. A blessing never filled a belly.
* Originally published in August 2019. Updated in 2021.