Alexander McQueen’s ashes have been scattered in the Scottish Isle of Skye off Scotland’s west coast. A statement released by the family today said “On May 29, 2010, Lee Alexander McQueen was laid to rest on the Isle of Skye.”
McQueen committed suicide in February on the eve of his Mother’s funeral. His cleaning lady found his body in his 2million London home.
His brother Michael told the London Times. "He made it clear his wish was for his ashes to be scattered on Skye, where our family comes from originally, and we are going to honor that, he had been there quite a few times over the years and felt a real connection to the place."
The inquest into his death found that he had taken cocaine, sleeping -pills and tranquilizers prior to hanging himself.
The London born designer was best known for his dramatic use of fabric and theatrical fashion displays which made him one of Britain’s most well known brands.