All Folk'd Up will be performing live from Ireland on IrishCentral this WednesdayAll Folk'd Up

All Folk'd Up is bringing IrishCentral a midweek treat of live Irish music

All Folk'd Up, a contemporary Irish folk-rock band, was live here on IrishCentral for a midweek treat of Irish music from their home in Ireland:

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Brothers Barry and Pauric Mohan of All Folk'd Up were live from Ireland right here on IrishCentral and over on our Facebook page as part of our ongoing IrishCentral Happy Hour live stream series.

About All Folk’d Up

All Folk’d Up were gearing up for a musical tour of the US this summer, but like so many others, their plans were canceled in the face of the pandemic. The lads have since taken to doing live stream performances to help keep spirits up amongst their fans around the world. If you enjoy tomorrow's live performance, make sure to show your support over on All Folk'd Up's virtual tip jar.

Famed for their rip-roaring live shows and catchy banjo hooks and solos, All Folk’d Up offer fans an eclectic mix of classic sounds from rock and rock music traditions, while still sprinkling their own unique, modern twist.

The brain-child of accomplished banjo player Pauric Mohan, the band formed while the singer was studying for his music degree in Dublin. He soon brought in young-gun of the group Stephen McElvogue deployed on guitar duties, while drummer Szymon Dwulat keeps the band punching in perfect rhythm. Pauric called upon the services of younger brother Barry Mohan, who adds pumping drive to the band with his punchy bass lines and fantastic vocal harmonies.

Fans have become accustomed to hearing bouncing melodies, enticing lyrical stories, vintage folk-rock sounds with jaw-dropping banjo progressions

You can learn more about All Folk’d Up on their website, Facebook, and YouTube pages. You can also check them out on Apple Music and Spotify.

You can give their album "Draw Back the Curtain" a listen on Spotify here:

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