For fans of crime books with edge and grit, Michael Ledwidge's second mystery novel is out. The follow-up to his surprise hit "The Narrowback," Ledwidge again follows a New York Irish American looking to make a financial score in "Bad Connection."

Like the author, Sean Macklin is a New York City phone repairman. One day, Sean inadvertently hears information that can help him make a killing in the stock market. Sean needs the extra cash to relocate his disabled wife. But after enlisting the help of his brother, a cop, Sean realizes he's in too deep.

Ledwidge's tough-guy prose is occasionally a bit excessive. But wrapping a fast-paced mystery inside a cynical look at the stock market and dot-com boom makes "Bad Connection" a fine, noir-ish read. (

Pocket Books / $23.95 / 263 pages
