After spending years living and working illegally in Canada, Bob Geldof feels “a lot of sympathy for people living illegally in Ireland and the UK,” and he believes that Ireland has a cultural and historical obligation to take care of immigrants living in Ireland illegally.
Geldof, who was speaking in Dublin at an event held by Irish music magazine Hot Press, said that “Ireland has a cultural and historical obligation to accept people coming here in search of employment.”
The former Boomtown Rat also played songs, from his solo career as well as songs from his time with the Rats, and spoke about his organization of the Live Aid and Live Eight fund raising concerts, in 1985 and 2005 respectively.
"Oxfam, Save the Children, Concern and a number of other major charities all increased their income by at least 300 per cent after Band Aid, but the political effect has had far greater ramifications for Africa."
In a wide-ranging discussion, he touched on criticism of his friend, Bono ("I know how much time he dedicates to important issues and I just won't have the criticism"), to his ex-wife Paula Yates (after her death he had "difficulty functioning" and felt "brain dead") and touring Africa with George W Bush (and "holding his hand through Africa").
