Robert F. Kennedy's latest book pretty much tells you all you need to know: "Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy." What follows is a full-blown indictment of the Bush administration, which is not exactly balanced or nuanced. Yet, such books - by liberals such as Kennedy as well as conservatives - have been flying up the best-seller lists lately. There are times when it does seem impossible to ignore Kennedy's research, as well as the force of his argument. A senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council as well as chief prosecuting attorney and president of Waterkeeper Alliance, Kennedy argues that the future of America rests on sound environmental policy. Bush (as well as many cabinet members, who are blasted alongside their President) is simply not up to the task, according to Kennedy's book. ($21.95 / 256 / Harper Collins).