Male admirers of Susan Boyle are already arranging to buy her flowers for Valentine’s Day. Members of the Susan Boyle fansite forum started the petition earlier this week.
The men have set up a Paypal account, and suggest a contribution of $15. “This is only for the men in the site,” the poster says.
Contributors can give money anonymously, but if they show their name it will be added to a card for Susan.
The 48-year-old world famous singer, who prior to her appearance on “Britain’s Got Talent,” said she had never been kissed, will likely get plenty of attention this Valentine’s. The singer has been a media sensation, appearing on everything from Oprah to Japanese TV. Sales of her album, “I Dreamed a Dream” have helped to boost Sony’s revenues by 2 percent in the third quarter of 2009.
Millions of viewers have been watched Susan’s performances. Yet she joked, modestly, "YouTube is fairly new to me," adding, "The only tube I knew was a tube of Smarties."
Happy Valentine’s Susan, you deserve it.
