“Empty Chair” was featured in the acclaimed "Made of More" series from Guinness.BBDO, YouTube

Guinness raises a pint to America's brave heroes.

There are many people thinking of those fighting for independence, for freedom, and for peace in other parts of the world, in particular, those families who have sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, or friends serving overseas.

As part of their acclaimed “Made of More” series, Guinness released an ad celebrating these heroes, their communities, and their great strength of character. 

The very moving TV spot 'Empty Chair,' which debuted in July 2014, centers on a local bar where the owner and her patrons hold a special vigil as they wait for one of their own.

Of the 'Empty Chair' advertisement, Guinness said: "The spot is a salute to the commitment and loyalty made by those who do more to support their community and the people who make sacrifices for others.

"'Empty Chair' reminds us all that even the smallest of gestures can have an impact and that one's true character is revealed by the choices he/she makes."

Guinness Brand Director Doug Campbell said: "'Empty Chair' celebrates and honors the commitment and sacrifices made for those we care about.

"The heart of this video lies just as much in the bartender and patrons of the bar, as it does the soldier returning from duty. You can see the impact their actions have on the soldier at the end of the video when the patron stands to toast him."

You can watch the Guinness 'Empty Chair' television ad here:

The “Made of More” series began in 2013, with an ad featuring a group of wheelchair basketball players and an unexpected twist at the end. It instantly went viral online, with 3.5 million views before its official release date, and was hailed as leagues above other beer ads.

The second installment, released in February 2014 just before the advertising blackout period of the Winter Olympics, told the amazing story of twin bi-athletes Tracy and Lanny Barnes, one of whom gave up her spot in the Sochi Olympics so that her sister could compete.

It is these small but extraordinary acts of heroism that Guinness celebrates, sharing their stories with the world.

* Originally published in 2014. Updated in June 2022.