THE missus is one of the most famous singers in the world, but Mr. Madonna, Guy Ritchie, prefers to get his groove on with some good old fashioned Irish folk music.

"It's true," he told Ireland's Sunday Tribune newspaper, during an interview to promote his new film RocknRolla. "I'm a big fan of songs with a narrative. It's a culture that's alive in Ireland."

A born and raised Brit, Ritchie says he really digs old Irish rebel songs. "I like a lot of Republican music, not because I'm motivated by or have any opinion about the political agenda of one side or another. I just like that they're singing about something. What sounds like easy music has this ominous political agenda behind it which then makes the whole thing more interesting," he says. Sounds like's he's ready for an honorary membership in the Wolfe Tones!

Ritchie seems to be a real Irish music aficionado. "I love the humor in a lot of traditional Irish songs, particularly the anonymous 19th-century songs like 'Rocky Road To Dublin,' as opposed to popular music which in a sense has lost its visceral character." But don't tell that to Madonna, purveyor of popular music for three decades now.