COLIN Farrell's brother Eamon has quite a talented future husband. Eamonn became engaged to Dublin artist Steven Mannion in New York last year, just before Christmas in fact, and the 24-year-old Steven has no intention of feeding off the famous family name.

Last week he hosted his first art exhibition in Dublin which was a smashing success by all accounts, with one painting alone going for the tidy sum of *12,500. The fellas undoubtedly will be an artistic couple to reckon with when they get married, as Eamon is a dancer who runs the National Performing Arts School in the city.

Though Farrell wasn't able to attend the art show last week, he's a firm supporter of the relationship between his 39-year-old elder brother and Mannion.

"Eamon's family are all very close - they're a great unit. I meet them for all for lunch quite often with Eamon," Mannion told the Evening Herald. Colin is 32 and Eamon is 39 so they have a good big-brother/little brother relationship - they both really look out for each other."

So when's the big day? No date has been set because of busy work schedules, but it's been rumored that when they do tie the knot, Colin will be the best man.

"There is no date set at all. The problem is we have no time. I have been like a hermit for the past six months working on my pieces," said Mannion.

Colin, meanwhile, has supposedly converted to Judaism, in light of his ever more serious relationship with British novelist Emma Forrest.