REMEMBER Brenda Fricker? She's the Dublin-born actress who won a Best Sup-porting Actress Oscar in 1989 for her role in My Left Foot, and she's had a host of other accolades come her way as well. Fricker, 62, spent 25 years living in England, but since moving home to Dublin she's noticed changes in her native land, and she's not a happy camper.

"I see a big change (since the 1980s)," Fricker said. "You can't drink anymore, you can't smoke anymore, you can't do anything. There's a kind of selfishness that's come into Ireland that I don't like."

It's also strange, she feels, that she gets no offers of work in Ireland, but that she's plenty in demand here in the U.S.

"I did get offered something about 10 years ago. I did one play at the Abbey called Big Maggie and that was it. I've never been asked to work since. In the U.S., yes, I'm constantly asked."

Fricker moved home to look after her sick father and "sort of stayed" ever since. Seeing that she admits she's "getting a little tired of Dublin,' sounds like she may well be planning another move.