Mirror, mirror on the wall, Robert Pattinson admits he’s the most beautiful of all — but he can’t understand how or why that would also make him influential too!
He has a point. Looks are nice, as far as they go, but they don't actually do anything, do they?We kind of see his point.
When Oprah Winfrey asked the 'Twilight' hunk about appearing on People magazine’s 'Most Beautiful List' and Time magazine’s '100 Most Influential People,' Rob said he has a hard time believing he belong on the second list.
'It just seems completely ridiculous,' he said when Winfrey asked him to pick which list mattered most.
However, Rob did make a choice! 'Definitely (People's) Most Beautiful,' he laughed. 'But I have no reason to believe my looks influence people. I just want someone to pat me on the back. Three years ago, I wouldn’t be able to influence my dog to walk.'
Rob — who on Thursday celebrated his 24th birthday — also revealed that he used to dream of becoming a rapper.
'I used to want to be a rapper when I was, like, 14,' he joked. That was back when life made sense. Back before people started telling him his looks somehow made him influential.
No wonder he's pushing back at all the hype. He probably knows the 'Twilight' backlash is coming and that it won't be pretty.
