Speaking of great Irish drama and striking photographs, "Images of Beckett" by John Haynes and James Knowlson is one of the more unusual, yet still engaging books you will come across. The title is a bit misleading. The book does have over 75 illustrations. But the text is actually just as important in this book as the pictures, which include images of the author, as well as of productions of his many plays. Haynes (who worked at the Royal Court Theatre in London when Beckett was directing his own plays) worked on this book's photography, while Knowlson contributes three penetrating essays on the Dublin-born playwright. Knowlson is a particularly knowledgeable writer, having been a friend to Beckett, and later a biographer. This book may be more for devoted Beckett fans. Still, it offers a fresh look at a writer about whom much has already been written. ($30 / 159 pages / Cambridge University Press)