Caroline for Irish Ambassador?

CAROLINE Kennedy may well be interested in the post of U.S. ambassador to Ireland if Senator Barack Obama wins the White House, according to Democratic Party sources.

Currently Kennedy is one of two key people completing the recommendations for Obama's vice presidential selection.

Kennedy, of course, and her uncle Senator Edward Kennedy made a huge difference to the Obama campaign when they signed up to support the senator over archrival Hillary Clinton.

Kennedy has been a key figure in the campaign since her appointment to the vice presidential selection panel which was an indication of Obama's depth of commitment to her.

The word is now that Kennedy may well be interested in an ambassadorial position if Obama is elected and that Ireland would be her preferred position.

Of course, her aunt Jean Kennedy Smith was ambassador there under President Bill Clinton and distinguished herself in that role. Caroline Kennedy would certainly bring a famed name and reputation to the post

Finucane Fundraiser Planned

THE Irish American Unity Conference has announced that it will be organizing a fundraising effort through its website to support the 20th anniversary tribute to Pat Finucane planned by the Finucane family for February 2009 in Dublin.

Donations in any amount and statements of support may be made through the website at All funds raised will go directly to the Pat Finucane Fund, and donors may contribute as individuals or using any organizational affiliation.

IAUC National President Kate McCabe met with Seamus Finucane in Belfast earlier this year to discuss ways that Irish America could continue to support the Finucanes in their effort to secure an independent, international, public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Pat's 1989 murder.

"Though we were pleased to participate in the passage of the 2007 Congressional Resolution in support of an independent inquiry, we recognize that the British government remains as intransigent as ever. I met with Seamus to discuss other ways we might continue to highlight the Finucane case, because Irish Americans are committed to seeing this effort through to the very end," McCabe said.

"February's event will be a tremendous opportunity not only to highlight the unresolved issue of the Finucane inquiry, but also to commemorate the life and legacy of a man who continues to inspire people to continue to fight for human rights and social justice around the world," McCabe said. "The IAUC is excited to work with the Finucane family to raise money and build support in the United States for this important event."

New AOH Immigration Director

DANNY O'Connell, a national director of the AOH, has been named chairman of the organization's Immigration Committee by new AOH National President Seamus Boyle. Boyle cited O'Connell's continued work on Irish immigration in Ohio and around the county as the basis for the appointment.

O'Connell, former Ohio State president and Mahoning County president, thanked Boyle for his support as well as his support on the Irish immigration issue. He has traveled to Washington, D.C. on several occasions including support of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform rallies, where he established a meeting with former Ohio Senator Mike DeWine, Senator Ted Kennedy and the AOH leadership on the Kennedy McCain bill. As the Ohio State vice president he was actively involved in the Irish American effort to defeat the U.S./U.K. extradition treaty.

As a former college football coach and athletic administrator he is no stranger to hard work and plans to hit the ground running. He hopes to work within the Ancient Order of Hibernians and all Irish American organizations on the AOH policy to encourage an equitable U.S. immigration law for Ireland, and to cooperate with groups for a fair American immigration Policy.

Fitzpatrick Honored

JOHN Fitzpatrick, CEO of Fitzpatrick Hotels, has been in the news lately. He and Daniel Rooney, owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, have been awarded honors by the British Queen.

Rooney has been awarded an honorary CBE and Fitzpatrick an honorary OBE in recognition of their exceptional contribution to peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland.

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Shaun Woodward has described the awards for Rooney and Fitzpatrick as a fitting recognition of the vital contribution to securing lasting peace in Northern Ireland.

He said, "Northern Ireland has made remarkable progress over the past decade. The fact that there has been such progress is down, in no small measure, to the considerable contribution made by Daniel and John in helping us to achieve a climate of understanding and a brighter future for all in Northern Ireland."

Fitzpatrick also recently announced a leadership gift of $100,000 toward the challenge grant issued to Peace Players International - Northern Ireland by The American Ireland Fund.

This investment will be made through proceeds from the Eithne and Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Golf Tournament, which takes place annually at the Knollwood Country Club in New York.