McCain on A Roll

THE sudden re-emergence of Senator John McCain as a viable GOP candidate for president has made it possible that immigration reform is not the killer issue that the likes of Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani have been claiming in recent months.

In the final opinion polling McCain is in third place in Iowa and closing right in on Romney in New Hampshire.

Alone among the Republican candidates, now that Mike Huckabee has bought into anti-immigrant posturing with his disgraceful acceptance of the racist Minutemen endorsement, McCain has kept his dignity on the issue.

Despite ferocious attacks from Romney and others, McCain has continued to insist on a humane and all-encompassing solution to the issue of undocumented immigration

His Iowa polls are extraordinary given that he has spent little time there and opposes the huge subsidies for ethanol that Iowa farmers thrive on.

Polls also show Republicans there consider illegal immigration a major issue which will not have helped him in the state, yet he continues to climb the ladder.

McCain always felt he had an opportunity to win in New Hampshire, and the average of polls in New Hampshire show him just a point behind Romney as the battle heads there after Iowa.

Giuliani Fades Away

McCAIN'S comeback began when the key newspapers in Iowa and New Hampshire endorsed him for the Republican nomination.

By so doing they were acknowledging the reality of the Republican race. McCain stands head and shoulders over his opponents when it comes to service to his country and his experience in all matters, domestic and foreign.

He has none of the flip-flops of Romney or the sheer domestic baggage of Giuliani, and he has certainly a far better record on issues than Huckabee or any of the others.

Giuliani in particular seems to be disappearing faster than the Wicked Witch in Oz when Dorothy poured water over her.

Although still nominally the front runner, the former New York City mayor will fare badly in Iowa and New Hampshire if the polls are to be believed. It is hard to see how he can come back after all that.

His campaign still talks up Florida as his firebreak, but it looks increasingly likely now that Giuliani will be lucky to still be in contention when the race heads south.

Giuliani was always part celebrity, part media creation after September 11. When Republicans took a closer look it appears they did not like what they saw.

Irish GOP For McCain

THE Irish American Republicans (www.Irish have endorsed Senator John McCain for president in a timely move.

"Senator John McCain has the unique combination of courage, experience and leadership that we need in these dangerous times to serve as the next president of the United States" stated IAR co-chairman Grant Lally. "The Irish American Republicans rarely endorse pre-primary, but Senator McCain is such a vital figure for America that our board voted unanimously to endorse and support John McCain for President."

"Senator McCain is true American hero. He suffered five and a half years of torture and brutal imprisonment as a prisoner of war in the Vietnam gulag, and served this country in Congress for over 25 years. He will fight extremist Islamic terrorism and keep our nation secure and strong," added the group's president, Kevin Hanratty.

"He is a principled fiscal conservative, who will keep taxes and spending down. And he is a true reformer, who will demand honesty, cut wasteful deficit spending, and end the travesty of 'earmarks' and 'pork barreling' in Washington."

"Senator McCain has never been afraid to fight for America, and America's interests," added IAR co-chairman Brian McCarthy. "With ancestors hailing from Co. Antrim, Senator McCain has played a leading role on issues of particular concern to Irish Americans. He has been involved first hand in the Irish peace process, is an active leader in the Friends of Ireland in Congress, and cares deeply about Irish American relations."

"The Irish American Republicans are deploying the famous Wild Geese political teams, who are flocking to New Hampshire, to help elect Senator McCain," said IAR Executive Director Jeff Cleary.

"We are going to roll-up huge margins in the Granite State, and continue on to victory all the way to the White House."

Hillary/McCain Supporters

IRISH American Republi-cans are not the only ones heading to New Hampshire this week. Many Clinton supporters from Irish Americans for Clinton will also be taking buses and planes to the Granite State as the election countdown continues.

Buses carrying Irish supporters from Manhattan and points North will leave New York this Friday to campaign for Clinton in New Hampshire, which should be an interesting trip given that the Iowa results will have just begun to be digested. It will either be a party or funeral atmosphere aboard.

There has never been an American election with such a major Irish involvement that this column can remember. Irish groups have already held fundraisers for both Clinton and McCain and, no doubt, if the two end up squaring off it will be an Irish battle to remember.