Weaver Out

JOHN Weaver, chief strategist for Senator John McCain's presidential campaign, has resigned from that position.

Weaver is a casualty of the low poll numbers that McCain has experienced in recent times.

Weaver and Co. Mayo-born Angela Hession have been the lead campaigners on Irish issues within the McCain campaign, and have proved themselves very good friends of the community.

McCain made several appearances at rallies for the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. Recently a major fundraiser was held for him by leading Irish American figures on Wall Street.


Irish Blood

SENATOR Barack Obama was recently interviewed on Irish television by RTE's Washington editor Robert Shortt, who caught up with him while he was campaigning in Iowa.

Obama revealed he knew all about the recent "roots" story in Ireland that traces a relative back to the tiny town of Moneygall in Co. Offaly.

"I always knew I had Irish blood," Obama stated. "I gotta go visit."

He also stated he knew there there's about 300 people in his home village and "a pub" which he promises to visit. As to when that would happen, however, he was non committal. He does have other priorities on his radar screen right now.