Orla Tinsley, Warrior!Orla Tinsley / Instagram

Orla Tinsley's incredible documentary, "Orla Tinsley Warrior", follows her harrowing journey, highs and lows before her life-changing New York surgery.

The avid campaigner Orla Tinsley was the subject of a moving documentary on RTE One on Monday night, sharing a glimpse into the journey that led her to the seventh call lucky.

After six false alarms, Tinsley received word that she would be given a new chance at life. The 30-year-old had been waiting in New York for months before her double lung transplant in December 2017.

While on life support at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, the Kildare woman still allowed a camera crew to document the distress, the disappointment, and the life-changing surgery.

She shared the moments of elation and devastation for one reason: to raise awareness about organ donation, transplants, and Cystic Fibrosis.

As hundreds of people took to social media to commend her braver, Tinsley shared online: 

"I have no words for the response tonight. I am in awe of the way people are reaching out, understanding and commiting (sic) to becoming donors. I appreciate and I’m reading every single story and response. Thank you for being part of this and making a difference. #Warrior"

Some 650 families going through similar experiences right now awaiting organ donation. After the documentary, the hashtag organ donation began trending and the Irish Kidney Association took to Twitter to personally thank Tinsley for raising awareness. 

On Monday, Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and the Irish Donor Network also renewed their call on the Government for the introduction of presumed consent organ donation legislation to improve transplant rates in the country.

To request your own organ donor card, follow the link here or free text 'DONOR' to 50050.

A beautifully written account of the operation and recovery period written by Tinsley, a journalist, can be accessed here.

The documentary is available to watch on RTE Player here.

This  article was originally published in our sister publication U Magazine.

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