Dear MTN, My girlfriend of 5 years just broke up with me on New Year's Eve. Can you even believe that someone could be that cold and selfish. I'm 29 and a nice looking (so I've been told), successful guy in the financial industry. I've been dating Tracy, 26 for almost 3 years now. Things have been great up until now. Recently her father died so Christmas I noticed a change in her, but thought it was because of her missing her Dad. He was a Chief in the Fire Department. She gave me a lame excuse as to why she wanted to break up. She said she just felt too young to be so serious with me and wanted to make sure before we got any closer to marriage. What the hell does that mean? I haven't called her since that night and I'm not going to. There is a guy in her Dad's Fire House, we'll call him XXX000. I have a feeling she might be dating him already or broke up with me to start going out with him. I don't want to lose her! What should I do? Jim Dear Jim, I admire you for being open enough to tell me you don't want to lose her. Sometimes when a parent dies, a person in a relationship does act differently and questions their own mortality and she might just be doing this to make sure you're the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. I've seen it happen before, and if you play your cards right, and it's meant to be, it will be. There is no point driving yourself crazy wondering about this guy. From what you're telling me, you don't have any proof, just suspicion. My biggest question to you is: Did you tell her what you told me that you don't want to lose her? That just could be the missing link she needed to hear from you to feel secure enough to know you're the one. Don't let your pride get in the way. My advice, call her and tell her exactly what you told me and good luck! Call her today! - MTN Dear MTN, I am a 23 year old girl who has had boyfriends my whole life. I've met them all over. None of them ever worked out for one reason or another. I've been told by everyone I meet that I am very attractive. I'm 5'4" and 115 pounds with long straight blonde hair. I work as an office manager for a major corporation. Do you think I would do well with your matchmaking service, or am I too young. I would like to meet the right guy for the New Year to hopefully marry one day. Thanks, - Taylor Dear Taylor, In one word YES. I start at the age of 20 as long as the client is mature enough to want an exclusive, committed relationship leading to marriage one day. I have literally tons of great looking guys, in their 20's who are dying to meet a pretty girl who is as serious as they are for a relationship. The guys come in and say the same thing all the time, "I can't stand meeting or trying to meet girls at bars since it's so noisy and they're all in a pack of five, or the girls on the Internet are just not serious, they are just looking to meet a bunch of guys." So you can see Taylor, that the guys I have in the program are handsome, successful, and ready for marriage one day once they find the right person. Also remember, even though I match you up based upon your compatibility, I also show photos to you, so you won't feel like you're going on a blind date. I am the only matchmaker who does show photos, which you will love if you do call to become a client. The consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose. Hope to hear from you soon! - MTN I'm looking forward to hearing and reading all your questions. Please email them to me at [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH