I must say, I have the best readers in the world. I receive the greatest letters and emails each week, and I truly wish to thank all of you for taking the time out of your very busy lives to take the time to write to me. Dear MTN, Hi, I am so sad and confused I don't know what to do. I've been reading your column for ages now, and I really hope you can help me. I've been dating a guy (won't say his name) for months now and everything has been perfect! We have fun together, have great sex together, go out every few nights, and spend the rest of the time alone together at either his place or mine. We've already discussed how much we love each other and how lucky we are to have one another. Well, that was up until last week... Last week, I received a voice mail from him, not even the courtesy of talking live, and he said very sternly that it was over, he's back with his ex-girlfriend and for me not to contact him and to lose his phone number. MTN, I am shocked. I am still numb from this experience and it's been a week. He gave no indication up until that point, only that he was very busy at work. I feel like such a fool. The strange thing is, he's told me all about his ex girlfriend and none of it was nice or positive. He said such bad things about her and their relationship, that's why I'm so shocked and confused. First of all, how could he just break up with me like that, and how and why would he go back to someone who he already told me was no good for him? Despite the fact he told me not to call, I had to call him and ask for answers to my questions. He wouldn't even get on the phone, he put his girlfriend on the phone and she told me directly that they are back together. I wanted to say all that I knew about her and all the things he said about her, but instead, I took the high road and just hung up! I can't believe he doesn't even have the decency to at least talk to me in person and explain what happened. Please remember, up until a week ago, we both were telling each other how much we loved each other. I am baffled... My question to you is - should I let it go and move on? Or should I continue to try to just get him to talk to me, and get to the bottom of this. I think if we speak, he might realize what he did was crazy. I do still love him, otherwise I wouldn't bother. I think he is worth the effort of trying, but think you would know better than me, what I should do. Please help! M. Dear M, I am so sorry you have to go through this. I have experienced this same situation many times in the past with my clients, so I'm glad you wrote to me. Many guys actually get afraid when they fall in love, and are fearful that they are losing control to the girl, and might eventually get hurt if the girl ever leaves him. Because of this FEAR, and that's all it is, they actually sabotage the relationship before they actually get hurt. In his case, it sounds like that's what happened, and conveniently he has someone he can fall back on that he already knows he probably doesn't love, so therefore, no fear of falling in love and getting hurt by her. In other words, he took the easy way out! I only wish I knew his age, because that would help me a lot with my answer to you. My advice to you is, if you are in your 20's, call him back and just sweetly ask to have a half hour conversation with you just for closure. At that time, feel him out, and when you speak to him, if your heart is pounding, then he's worth the effort to tell him you still love him and want to fight for him...If you're in your 30's, call him once more and ask for clarification on why he just left you, and ask him if he still loves you. If he says yes, tell him you want him back and are willing to fight for him. If he tells you no, move on...If you're in your 40's or higher, let him go, he sounds way too imature, and doesn't know what he wants. He's her problem now, and you need to realize it's better you found out now his true colors and move on and find a stable guy who isn't afraid to give his heart to you. Good luck! Dear MTN, This is a very bizarre question and I'm embarrassed even writing it. Therefore, I'm obviously not giving you my real name. Call me Bob. My question is, I recently started dating a girl who is 35, and I'm 40. We are both divorced. She is beautiful, smart, thin, funny, and everything I could ever want in a girl. Last weekend we had sex for the first time and she did something that I thought was the strangest thing in the whole world. She actually put her toes in my mouth. At first, I thought it was by accident, but then she actually told me she loves getting her toes kissed. I was married for 15 years and I've never done that with my wife, nor have I ever heard of anyone ever doing that. I personally think it is very unhygienic and disgusting. Of course, I didn't tell her that. This is something I feel more comfortable asking you first, even before asking my friends if they do it, and if they actually like having a girls foot in their mouth. I really have a hard time thinking any guy would like doing that...but that's why I'm asking you first. So, what do you think of this situation? Is it as disgusting as I think it is, or is it the new "thing" and everyone is doing it? - Bob Dear Bob, Well, I'm not sure I would call it the new "thing", but I do know it is very common these days to do that particular act while being intimate. A woman's foot is very sexual to some men, and many men and woman find this to be very erotic. But it is a matter of taste. I surveyed 10 of my guy clients about this question. Eight of them love kissing a girls toes. Two of them are like you, and wouldn't do it if their life depended on it. I suggest you be honest and tell her that this is new to you. But I also suggest you try it with an open mind...you might actually find out you like it! To submit your questions, please email them to Maureen Tara Nelson, (MTN) at [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH