One of my newest success story is the great couple Tina and Gary. They are quite popular and were interviewed by Channel 12 News in New York for their exciting Love Story! They are a beautiful couple and I wish them all the happiness in the world. Here is the letter Tina wrote which has gained her and Gary such amazing popularity during Valentine's Day 2008. She has graciously allowed me to share it with you all... It is with great excitement, pleasure and gratitude that I write to you regarding my Long Island Love Story. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tina and I currently reside in Roslyn Heights, Long Island. I am a 45-year old divorced mother of three children trying to make my way in this world after the collapse of an almost 25-year marriage. My life has been chaos since the divorce. As most people do, I moved on with my life, raising one daughter, a very spirited 14 year-old girl. I gave internet dating a whirl. Much to my chagrin, I encountered a lot of less than desirable people to date. Just when I was about to give up my search for my true love, I came upon an ad in the Newsday for a personal matchmaker, Maureen Tara Nelson. After some diligent online research, I phone Ms. Nelson. I told her my whole story. Ms. Nelson, put aside another client to meet with me, as she heard the heartbreak in my voice over my relationship disappointments. She immediately made me feel important, special, and like someone who deserved the absolute best in life. I began my "love sojourn" with her guidance and several of her compatible clients. Constantly encouraging me, supporting me, and advising me, Maureen finally connected me with a special gentlemen Gary R. I cannot tell you the amount of compatibility that is between Gary and I. As far as the chemistry, that is unbelievable as well. If it weren't for Maureen, or Miss Maureen as I call her, Gary and I would never have met and found such overwhelming happiness. This letter serves as a tribute to Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. She truly serves a wonderful purpose, especially in this day and age of prevalent online dating and the hazards that it entails. Thank you Miss Maureen, for your support, your friendship, and your constant vigilance in assuring me that I would one day find my soulmate. Sincerely, Tina Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH