Hello my single readers, Thank you all so much for the beautiful mail you've been sending in to me. I truly appreciate all the kind words you've said to me. I'm really glad that you enjoy reading my column. Special thanks goes to George, Peter, Kevin, and Thomas for writing in "just saying thanks for the column." Dear MTN, I've been friends with this guy for about a year now. When I email him with plans, he always shows up. When we are out, we have a great time. We have never crossed the line though as far as being more than friends, expect two weeks ago. After one of our outings, we kissed. In fact, we kissed for about two hours in his car. The next day I mailed him that I had a smile on my face all day thanks to him. The email I received back from him was crazy. He told me, he's not interested in me "that way" and just wanted to be friends? I asked him why he spent two hours kissing me the night before? He said he was drunk...I am so upset with him and disappointed, that I don't even want to be friends with him. What should I do? Should I let a year friendship end over this? Or somehow get over it and stay friends. Even though I've very upset and sad, he has been a great friend to me over the past year. Lynn Dear Lynn, I think your friend took advantage of the situation, by using the excuse that he was drunk, and also took advantage of your emotions. It was very selfish on his part to do that to his "friend." Personally, I would confront him on his behavior and let him know that you're strong enough of a girl that doesn't need friends that would treat you that way. I'm wondering why you would even want to be friends with a guy like this? I'm sure over the friendship you developed feelings for him, and that is why you are so upset. If that's the case, you definitely need to cut off all ties with him. If he hurt you like that once, he'll do it again. You don't need that. Look for a friend that will lead into a relationship. In my experience as a matchmaker, the best relationships I've ever set up first started out as friends. Therefore, dump him as a friend! Dear MTN, I was out with my guy friends last Friday night at this club in Queens and I saw one of my friends wife dancing with another guy. He normally would have gone out with us, but he said his wife asked him to stay in and watch their kids for a change, and since he's usually the one that goes out, he said yes. It seemed like she knew the guy, and it looked like she was with another girlfriend. What do I do? Do I tell my friend his wife was dancing with another guy? I was going to go up and confront her, but didn't feel like getting into a fight with the other guy, so I let it go that night. Now I wish I approached them. At least I would know the truth of what went on that night. We ended up leaving that place and going somewhere else, so I'm not sure what happened next. Is this enough information to give my buddy, or should I keep my mouth shut. I would want to know if my girl was cheating... Brian Dear Brian, It's great that you're such a great friend and want to help your friend, but you really don't have enough facts to go on to imply or assume his wife was doing something wrong. Yes, she could have met a guy and danced with him, and that is wrong for a married woman to do. But did you ever think that maybe the guy was actually with her girlfriend and she didn't feel like dancing, so your friend's wife danced with him. It sounded like she needed a night out, and dancing with a friend, is fine. Why stir up trouble if there isn't any. My advice, let it go. If you see it happening again though, that's the time to bring it up to him. Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH