Hello my single readers! Please continue to email me all of your questions, and once again, thank you for all the nice cards and emails you have sent me. I truly appreciate every one of them. Dear MTN, I am definitely a bust man. I meet a lot of woman in bars and they come up and approach me. I'm 38, single, never married, and now I think I am finally ready to find my future wife. I don't like hurting girls feelings. What should I say to a girl who comes on to me in a bar, who is obviously very attractive, but just doesn't have the physical attributes that I mentioned earlier? Do I just be honest with her and tell her the truth? or should I come up with a lie? Thanks, Bob Dear Bob, Please tell me you are kidding me...You really think it would be acceptable to tell a beautiful woman that you don't like her because her bust isn't big enough for you? My advice is when any girl approaches you in a bar situation, just keep it on a friendly level, and you start making the moves yourself. If you are already 38, and finally looking to get married, you better speed up the process and be more pro-active. The answer you need is obvious. Just approach the girls who you find attractive, but please don't mention to any girl that you like her or not depending on her breast size-unless you want a beer thrown in your face. Good luck! Dear MTN, I am a very good looking guy (as my friends have told me), and I'm 40 years old and ready for marriage. I considered coming into your service, but I have a special request that I'm even too embarrassed to tell you personally. Since this is confidential and you don't know my name, it's easier to write in. I can't even tell my friends. Although I am a thin guy, (6 feet tall, 185 lbs), I only like woman who are a larger size. I have done a lot of research on this and I know the different sizes of woman and what is and isn't considered large. I am only looking for woman who are a size 14 to 20. I don't know if you have any large ladies? I do have two buddies of mine who are clients of yours and they are both dating very attractive girls, who are medium to petite sizes. So I know you're good at what you do, but just don't know if you have any large ladies for me. Could you please let me know if you even know of a service that is reputable that would be able to help me if you can't. Thanks. Dear Anonymous, I have heard of lots of great looking slim guys who prefer larger woman, so you don't have to be embarrassed or ashamed of anything. First of all, your finding the love of your life is the most important thing in the world. Never worry what your friends think or other people. We only have so much time on this earth, and we have to make ourselves happy. So be proud of the woman you like regardless of their size. Although, yes you can come in to me, there is a program that strictly deals with your situation exclusively. It's called L&L Matchmaking, and it's for men only that are marriage minded and prefer woman who are beautiful and large. So their whole client base of ladies are all what you are looking for. It sounds like you just hit the jackpot. I definitely suggest you call them today. Here is their number, L&L Matchmaking, 718-766-9415. Best of luck to you! Dear MTN, I am a very attractive woman, 50 years old, but I look 40. I'm recently divorced and just started the dating process. What is with all these men on the Internet who are so damn cheap and only offer to take me out for coffee. Some of these losers even have the nerve to ask me to pay half if they do offer to take me out to dinner. My ex husband, even though he was a jerk and left me for a younger woman, was an attorney. I am used to living the good life. Where are all the wealthy men out there? If I tell a man over the phone that I expect dinner, he immediately hangs up or cancels the date. I have decided, I am too good to be only dating men who think coffee and splitting checks is appropriate. No offense to you, I know you run a matchmaking service, but I think since I'm so beautiful for my age, I shouldn't have to pay for a date. It's bad enough I pay a small monthly fee on the Internet sites. Sarah Dear Sarah, Well there are a few things I have to say about your question and your attitude about dating. Number one, the internet is known for coffee dates and men not making large investments on their dates, because they get so many dates from it, they don't have to wine and dine someone. My philosophy on that issue is, if you buy cheap (internet only $30 per month), you will get cheap. I would also like to mention Number two, even though you didn't ask for this advice - you are going about the dating scene in the wrong way. It sounds like you are very bitter over your divorce, and believe me, I am sure it was devestating what you went through. I hope you are going to counseling for it. If you need the name of someone fantastic to talk to about this let me know, and I'll provide it to you. But you are acting like these men and all men owe you something! The hardest thing you need to face is that this is a different world of dating now. I agree coffee dates are not appropriate, but you need to soften up your approach to these men. Men are looking for sweet, loving woman. They can spot a bitter woman a mile away, and you will get no where in this dating world until you change your attitude! Even in my program, I only accept woman who are the serious, marriage minded, nice, decent, quality ladies who are loving and sweet. I hope I helped you in some way. Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH