Dear Readers, This week I received tons of wonderful questions. I'm sorry I don't have room to print all of them, but as you know, I will respond to each one personally. Dear MTN, My name is Lucy and I'm in my 50's. I've been told I'm attractive, but I know I have some physical flaws. I've been single my whole life, which never bothered me until I hit 50. Now I'm lonely and depressed. I've tried the bar scene and you can't imagine how mean some men can be out there. I know I have a good personality and am a good person; isn't that worth anything these days? At work, my friend recommended I go to an image counselor, and she recommended I get a breast "enhancement" and a hair transplant due to some staginess and thinning hair. I looked into these procedures and they will cost me over $10,000 for both. I think I want to do it, and luckily I can get the money to get it done, but I asked a few close friends and family and they think I'm crazy. They call it wasting money. They think I should find a man who likes me for who I am now...but at this point, I really have given up. Before I make my final decision, I want to ask you your advice. Should I invest in myself or just simply be myself and continue what I've been doing, which obviously hasn't worked. Thank you so much. - Lucy Dear Lucy, I think it's great that you have such wonderful friends and family who obviously love you the way you are. When it comes to finding a man, however, it is not as easy as they think. I think you know in your heart already you want to do this, despite what your friends say, and just want someone to agree with you. So yes, I say go for it. I am always open to improving one's looks and being the best person one can be. I'm not saying to do these procedures to capture a man either. I believe you should do it, because it sounds like you'll have more confidence in yourself with the "new you." Once you have more confidence, men will notice it and you will notice a difference in their behavior towards you. The best thing is, you're only improving the outside, you will still always be you, and that's the important thing. As for your friends, anytime you ask multiple people their opinion, you will always get different answers, so the bottom line is, always go with your own gut feeling. It will never steer you wrong. Best of luck to you. If you have the time, I would love for you to send me a picture of yourself before and after. I'm sure my readers will also be interested in seeing it, if you don't mind me showing it in my column. Best of luck to you. - MTN Dear MTN, Quick question for you. When men come into your Matchmaking service, do they ever ask you out? - Tommy Dear Tommy, Sometimes, but as soon as I show them some of the girls that I have that I believe to be compatible with them, who are prettier than me, they realize they are at my service to find the right one, and the subject of dating me usually goes away real fast. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson is a private Matchmaker for eight years with over 1000 success stories. She specializes in singles who are marriage minded. She offers a complimentary consultation to make sure she can help you. Call 1-888-31-MATCH for more information and to schedule your consultation.