Dear MTN, I was having a discussion with my guy friends, and we thought we would ask you for the answer. Does size really matter? - Jimmy Dear Jimmy, I'm not really sure if you are serious with this question, but since you wrote in, I will answer you. I guess the answer is the same if you asked yourself the equivalent question about a woman...(does the size of her butt matter.) Dear MTN, One of my guy friends is getting divorced to a beautiful woman. She is, from what I can see a perfect woman, beautiful wife, and devoted Mother. My friend has always been a player and cheated on her last year. She never forgave him, which I can't blame her, and now they are definitely over. My friend also has a new girlfriend already. My question is, since I know I would make a much better husband to her, and I have developed feelings for her over the years, is it okay for me to ask her out? - Mark Dear Mark, Mark, there are plenty of single, beautiful woman out there in the single world, you just have to look in the right places to find them. Dating your friend's ex wife is not a good idea, regardless of him being a jerk or not. You will lose your friendship with him forever. My opinion is, you're just looking for an easy way to meet someone...keep looking! Dear MTN, Did you see the show CSI where guys were going on speed dating events just to rob girls. My girlfriends and are were going to go to an event, and now I'm scared. Is it really as dangerous as they say? - Jody Dear Jody, I did in fact see the episode you are talking about. I do believe speed dating can be dangerous in the sense that you do not know anything about the men you are meeting, and there is no screening process. They could be nice guys, but they also could have a criminal record, or be married. They are not going to tell you. If you do go, be very careful what you say about yourself, because that was the premise of the show, that the woman gave so much personal information on themselves, that it made it easy for the criminals to rob them. To protect yourself, if you are going to do speed dating, do not give out any personal information and just talk about your hobbies, dislikes and general things about your personality. Or to be really safe, don't go! Dear MTN, I have been dating Gary for a year now and we see eachother about 3 or 4 times a week. We both have said the "I love you" phrase, and I am hoping to get married to him. We are both in our thirties. He is everything I am looking for in a husband. Last night he came over for my birthday and I was sure he was going to ask me to marry him. Even my family and friends thought this would happen, since they say all the time how great we are together. Well he came over and had a box in his hands and I was thrilled...then he asked me if I would move in with him? I asked him what was in the box and it was a pair of earrings. Granted, they were beautiful, but it wasn't a ring. I started to cry because I was so disappointed, and he just left. He hasn't called me yet today, and frankly I don't know what to say to him. I don't believe in living together before marriage, and I am insulted that that is all he wants. If I am not good enough for marriage, then I think I am wasting my time with him. What do you think? Please help! - Mary Dear Mary, I can certainly sympathize with your disappointment. I too, do not believe in living together before marriage, so I can see on even a personal level how upsetting this can be. However, you have only been together for a year! It really might not be the right time for marriage. I think you need to give the guy a break though, and instead of thinking of him as a waste of time, just simply tell him the truth... You aren't comfortable in living together before marriage, and ask him does he want to continue the relationship to see if it will lead to marriage or does he wish to move on. That way you will see if he just made a stupid mistake, or if he is committed phobic. I think he probably just made a stupid mistake, since most people today do live with eachother before marriage. Good luck and let me know how it goes. Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH