Dear MTN, I have a slight disability that has caused problems with me dating my whole life. I'm a 30 year old guy with a great job and very successful. However when I was young, I lost a finger, and once woman see this, they go running. Believe me when I say, when I hide my finger, they give me their phone number and they can't wait to meet me. Once they see it, it's all over! Any advice for a nice guy without a finger? - Jim Dear Jim, I am so sorry to hear that. You would think in this day and age a girl would be more interested in the inside of a man, than the outside. I can assure you that all of my female clients are more concerned with the inside. I actually before I started my column did a survey with a few of my ladies and they all, 100% of them, said that if you are a great guy, they don't care about the fact you are missing a finger. So maybe, you are the one that's making it more of an issue than it has to be...otherwise, come to my service and meet the women who want you for who you are! - MTN Dear MTN, I joined a Dating Service in NYC a few years ago for $5500 and went on one date. The date was horrible, and I never heard from them again. Well now with the summer here I really want to meet someone, so I called them for another date. I was shocked to see that they went out of business. I can't believe I lost out on $5500! I was going to give your service a try, but truly I am fearful of being taken advantage of. Are all these dating services the same? Please, tell me the truth, I don't have an extra $5500 to through out the window. - Mary Dear Mary, I am sorry that happened to you. I actually know the service you used and that it did in fact go out of business. Many of my clients have come to me and told me the same story that you did. First let me assure you how I am different. I am not a dating service, I am a private, upscale Matchmaking Service. I have been in business for over 8 years with over 1000 success stories. The difference between a dating service that you used and a Matchmaker, like me, is that I do everything for you, from the beginning complimentary appointment, until the day I make you successful, so don't worry. I am also a fraction of the cost! Call 1888-31-MATCH. If you come in for an appointment, you will see all the letters of success I have and see how many people have thanked me for helping them over the years, and believe me, you won't be nervous anymore. - MTN Dear MTN, Help me girlfriend just hit me last night. Literally hit me! I would never be violent with a woman or ever raise my hand to one. This is the first time that she ever showed that violent side of her. We got into a fight because I went out with my friends and came home at 4:00 am. During the whole night, she must have called me 5 times. I didn't call her back, since she knew where I was, and that it was the guys night out. When I got home I called her. She was actually up waiting for me to call her back. She told me she needed to come over and talk to me. I was tired and really just wanted to go to bed. Since I was tired, maybe I was in a bad mood and was crabby, but certainly don't think I deserved to be hit. I could never and would never tell anyone this but you. After she hit me, I kicked her out of my house and told her it's over. She has called me 10 times today apologizing and begging for forgiveness. What should I do? I did love her until this. I was even thinking of proposing to her on her birthday in August. Now forget it! Do you think I'm right about dumping her, or should I give her another chance? Please respond to this. I know you receive a lot of emails, but I really need your help? - Bill (not my real name.) Dear ?, Dump her! Anyone, male or female who would hit another person is a violent person. If they hit you once, they will hit you again. Also, look at her controlling and aggressive behavior since that by calling you so much! There are Red flags all over this relationship. Get out now while you have the excuse of her being violent. She should go to a anger management program as well. But that's not your problem. I promise you, there are other fish in the sea, and they don't hit their boyfriends, they actually do everything they can to please them. Good luck to you. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH