Dear MTN, Hi, my name is Tommy and I've written to you before. You actually told me to dump my girlfriend, and I just wanted to say thanks. I couldn't see it then, or I didn't want to see it, but all my friends and family saw our differences and were telling me for months to end the relationship. It was your words of encouragement that gave me the strength to realize I deserve a healthy relationship. I met someone last week at a party, and so far so once again, I just wanted to say thanks! - Tommy Dear Tommy, Your quite welcome. Usually when we are in the relationship and even know it isn't right, it's actually easier to stay in it rather than start over and start looking again. But you have to do that, and you did. I am very happy for you. Everyone deserves to be happy and be in a healthy and happy if you're going through now what Tommy was, get out now before it gets harder and just keep telling yourself you will find the right person! It's the Law of Attraction! Tommy did it and it worked, so can you! Thank you Tommy for writing in. I wish you the best of luck. - MTN Dear MTN, I've been dating Troy for about a year now and everything has been moving along steadily, except in one area. You can probably guess what area that is...During the year, we see each other about twice a week after work, and then we spend the weekends together usually over his house. We have a lot of mutual friends so we have a fun and fulfilling relationship. From the outside looking in, we have it all. We are both attorneys, in our thirties, have our own houses and are both in love with each other. We have not had sex yet. I don't know what to think about that. I've been ready for about six months now for that intimate part of the relationship to begin. I can't even tell my girlfriends because they'll definitely have their own opinions and probably say he's gay or something like that. I really don't care what they think, but I just don't want to hear their negativity. When we stay over each others houses we sleep in the same bed and have some intimacy, but just not sex! I am too embarrassed to bring this up to him. I would love to marry him one day, so I don't want to ruin a fantastic relationship by bringing this up and taking the chance that he might get upset or be embarrassed. Just so you know, he obviously hasn't brought up the subject either. My question is - is it normal for a healthy young man who says he's in love with me, not want to have sex, after a whole year of dating? - Margaret Dear Margaret, If he is going to be "the one", you have to be able to bring this question of yours up to him, as well as anything you have questions on. That's part of having a healthy relationship. If you are afraid of his response and can't communicate with him, then your relationship isn't as good as you think it is. One night while you're having a casual conversation just simply ask him his views on making love, and when he thinks it's an appropriate time in a relationship to have it. It's just a simple question, so you shouldn't be afraid or embarrassed to ask his opinion. Depending upon his answer, you'll know what the deal is. Did you ever think that maybe you hit the jackpot and found a great man that believes in waiting for marriage to make love? I can tell you I personally know about 500 woman that would do anything to find such a respectful guy. I would guess that's what the case is, but you'll never know for sure until you ask. Good luck. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH