Dear MTN, Help! My father and mother are getting divorced and I'm stuck in the middle. I'm 25 years old and engaged to a great guy. We have our wedding plans all set for October, and now my parents have thrown a wrench into everything. Both of them say they won't go if the other goes. I don't know what exactly happened, but I stopped over one night and they were screaming at each other and my father stormed out with his suitcase. I am crushed. I have tried to talk to both of them, and neither one will talk about it. On the one hand I am so sad that my parents are breaking up. On the other hand, I am furious with the both of them for doing this at the most important time in my life. I always thought they were happily married. They've been married for over 30 years, and I'm an only child. I always dreamed of my wedding day, and how my father would be walking me down the aisle. Now I don't even know if he's going to show up. This has also caused a problem with my fiance and I. He keeps telling me not to worry, that things will turn out fine by then and that they both will end up coming. I'm not so optimistic. If I hear Robert one more time tell me not to worry, I'm going to bite his head off. He obviously doesn't know how stubborn my parents can be. Should I postpone my wedding until things settle down? Or should I continue and risk that the day will be ruined forever? Thanks for your help - Kara Dear Kara, Do not even think of postponing this major event in your life. You have until October for things to settle down, and I think Robert is correct that things will work out in the end. For now, just be supportive to both your parents, and I'm sure they will come around. Congratulations. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH