Dear MTN, Help, my girlfriend is only 20 years old and she is pregnant. We don't know what to do. We both have plans on going to college in a few weeks and have a lot of future plans. A baby will only make those dreams impossible. My girlfriend, Cindy, can't tell her parents about this, they will kill her. They think she is still a virgin. My Dad left when I was young, so it's only my Mom and me, and my Mom can't afford to take care of all of us. There is only one possible answer in my book, and I think my girlfriend realizes that too. She is just so upset over this that she is acting crazy, and it's really causing problems in our relationship. We plan on one day getting married and having kids, but after college and both getting great jobs. I think It would make feel Cindy feel better if you wrote about this problem and made her feel like she's not a terrible person for not having the baby. - Steven Dear Steven, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, but you are both 20 years old and if you are mature enough to make love, you should be mature enough to take care of a baby, even if it does set back your plans for a few years. There are so many options for you to do, so please consider having the baby, other couples your age have children this young and still make it through, or please give the baby up to adoption. There are so many couples that would love to adopt your baby and give it a wonderful life. If you don't know how to go about this, go to your Church, tell them you wish to give your baby up for adoption, and the Church will take care of everything for you. You would be doing such a fine thing for a childless couple. I know you were looking for a different answer from me, but believe me, not having the baby is not the right decision, and I'm sure you would regret it the rest of your life...Best of luck to you both! - MTN Dear MTN, My boyfriend and I moved into this great new apartment building with a lot of fun, young couples. It seems like every night one of the couples is having a party or get together and we've already made a lot off friends. I'd say there are about 10 couples, including us and one single girl. I hate to admit it, but she is pretty. Well all the guys say right in front of their girlfriends and wives how hot she is and that's all they talk about at these parties. You should see what she wears to these parties. I don't know why she doesn't have a boyfriend of her own, except for the fact that she is very "over the top" and dresses very provocatively. My biggest issue is that she flirts with my boyfriend. Matt keeps telling me that I'm crazy and that she does the same thing to all the guys, but I see the difference. She even does it in front of me. When I mentioned it to one of the other girls, she said she does that especially whenever someone knew comes in the group. When I questioned if her flirting was harmless, she hesitated and said she's not sure if this is a fact, but she heard she had an affair with one of the guys when his wife when out of town. We signed a one year lease, I don't think I can make it that long. I want to move. I actually think Matt likes the extra attention she is giving. I don't know if I should say something to her, or let Matt exactly how mad this situation has actually made me. Every time I bring it up, he gets mad and says, "not this again." Please give me some sound advice, I could really use it. Thank you. - Amanda Dear Amanda, I don't blame you for being annoyed. It is rude and inconsiderate that she is flirting with your boyfriend and especially right in front of you. My advice is a little bold, but with someone like that, bold is the only way you will get through to her. I would approach her when you have her alone and say you heard a rumor that she had an affair with that other guy, does the wife know, and you were wondering if it were true. This way she will know you have someone on her. Hopefully, that will be enough to make her see that she can't intimidate you. If that isn't enough, next time she flirts with your man, go over and give him a gigantic kiss and say, "I bet you wish you could get that every night like I do!" That will surely make your point. Just be prepared, that if it gets to the point of getting any worse, just start declining the invitations. Be honest with the hosts, and say we really don't feel comfortable if "Suzy" is there....I'm sure you're not the only couple that feels this way, so eventually, maybe Suzy will start not being invited to all the parties...Good luck. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH