Dear MTN, Help. I just found out my boyfriend of nine months has been cheating on me. Things were great, we just went on vacation together three weeks ago and things were fine. Last week out of the blue my friend came over my house and showed me a picture of my boyfriend on the internet and that it showed he was just using it. I was so shocked and hurt, I still have a hard time talking about it. I confronted him and he said he is just emailing a girl and that he doesn't consider that cheating. He denies talking to her on the phone or meeting her in person, just emailing her. He really thinks there is nothing wrong with what he did. I consider it cheating. If he was happy with me, he wouldn't need to be emailing another girl. I told him not to call me ever again. He hasn't called me since! My question to you is, am I doing the right thing? If you agree that it is cheating, as hard as it is, I will never trust or see him again. If you think I'm over reacting, let me know. I'm miserable without him, yet don't want to waste time, since I'm 29 and want to get married soon. Thank you so much for your help. - Cindy Dear Cindy, Run as fast as you can from this cheater! Emailing a girl on the internet is inappropriate while you've been dating someone for nine months. I hate to say this next part, but if he really loved you, he would have called you despite you're asking him not to; he would be pleading for you to forgive him. The good news is, you don't want a cheater in your life, so be happy that he hasn't called. You need to move on to a man who will love and respect you and not cheat! They're out there, believe me. I have hundreds of them in my program as well. Good luck. - MTN Dear MTN, My girlfriend of six months is talking marriage already. Is she nuts? Is this the normal way of dating now to move so quickly? I only got divorced a year ago and met her shortly after that. I was married for 10 years and it seems like it's a whole different world out there. Is it me, or is it the woman out there that are crazy? On the other hand, for the record, she is a fabulous girl, and I don't want to lose her. I just can't see myself getting married again so soon. Actually, if you asked me six months ago, I would have told you I would never get married again. So I'm in a real predicament here. Do I tell her I'm nowhere near ready for marriage and risk losing her, or just tell her what she wants to hear? Thanks, - Mike Dear Mike, It depends on the situation for my answer! If she just mentioned marriage in general one day down the line in the future if all things continue to go well, that's okay. If she is constantly bringing up the word and pressuring you into getting married now, or giving you an ultimatum after only six months, then dump her! She sounds a little needy to me. Rule of thumb out there for all my female readers...Never bring up the word marriage first or say the words I love you first! You can see by this email how it scares guys off. It has to come from the guy first! Good Luck Mike. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH