Welcome all my single readers, Thank you all for your fantastic questions. Please continue to send them into [email protected] Dear MTN, I am a 52-year-old man that does not have any children. I have never been married, but all my life I have wanted to have children and get married - but it just has not worked out for me. I am looking for a woman that can bear my child, but that would make the woman probably more than 15 years younger than me. I don't blame a young woman for not wanting an old man, but should I give up my dream of having a child and look for a woman closer to my age? I am at a cross roads and I don't know which way to go. Thank you for your column, I read it every week. - Jim Dear Jim, I can understand your need and desire to have a family. If you can find a lady in her thirties that likes older men, then it's possible. You are right that the younger you go, the harder it is to find "your special someone." I admire the fact that you are thinking of the woman's needs in this situation as well. In my program, sometimes there are woman who will date an older man if the compatibility is right, because they don't care about age. These woman are looking for a man who will love them forever! So in my opinion, since the way you are wording your question, I think you should give my office a call for a free consultation, 631-577-7940. I'll meet with you personally and we'll decide if it is going to be possible for you. Looking forward to meeting you. -MTN Dear MTN, I am a single 35-year-old man that has just been laid off. I worked on Wall Street and I am used to having a lot of money and taking girls to the nicest restaurants. In the past few weeks it seems everything has changed and I don't think I will be able to continue that kind of lifestyle. I don't know how I will get used to treating women differently and the women I occasionally date now will not be getting the same treatment. I know that it seems superficial but it is all I am used to! How can I treat a woman right on a budget? - Tim Dear Tim, It sounds like you have been dating the wrong type of woman, if you fear that they won't like you since you got laid off. Almost everyone these days are struggling and cutting back on the types of dates that they would normally do. Women understand this. I suggest you not worry about the type of date, but be more concerned with the woman and how you treat her on the date. I know plenty of woman who would prefer to go out for a slice of pizza with a great fellow, than have an elaborate, fancy dinner with a man who is conceited etc. So stop worrying, and start concentrating on different types of dates you can go on that don't cost a fortune. Best of luck to you. - MTN Dear MTN, I am a 32-year-old female looking for love. I am recently divorced from an alcoholic man. We were married for 5 years and he was verbally abusive during the whole time. I have gone out on many dates recently and have tried to judge when is the right time to tell a mate about my bad marriage. I guess I kind of blame myself for having failed in my marriage. I have told some men on the first date and never heard from them again! I think it is because they think I am judging them on how much they drink and am wondering if they have a drinking problem as well. I have noticed my last few guys I went out with have drank a lot on our dates. I don't know if I'm being paranoid, or is it just normal when you meet a man at a bar, that he does simply enjoy drinking! - Pat Dear Pat, You didn't fail in your marriage. You're ex-husband did. So stop blaming yourself and move on with your life. Sometimes when you do meet a man in a bar, they might have a higher tendency to like to drink, but if that worries you, find different means to find a man. Join a club, take up golf lessons, or try someone new that doesn't involve alcohol. It is very normal after what you have gone through to feel like it might happen again. So just prevent this from happening again as much as possible by avoiding the bars to pick up a guy. Save the bar scene for when you and your girlfriends need a night out and would like a beer or two. Best of luck to you, and thank God you were strong enough to get out of an abusive relationship! - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH