Dear MTN, I have been divorced for 5 years and I am 38 years old. Up until now I had been meeting girls at bars or on the internet. It hasn't worked out for me the way I had been hoping. I really want to meet a nice girl that I can settle down with and start a family. I am divorced but I do not have any children. I do not want to delay this process any longer but I have to find the right girl. I am at a cross roads and I feel I don't know where else to go, can you help someone like me? - Larry Dear Larry, That is exactly what my program offers for great guys like you...The attractive girls that come into my service do not go to the bars to meet guys. They are also afraid to use the Internet because of all the dangerous stories that are out there and the limited success rate that it offers. My ladies go to work, and then go home. If you have read any of my published articles before I always recommend that you try the process on your own first for six months before coming to me. Since it sounds like you've already tried it and know of all the obstacles out there, then I suggest you call me for a complimentary consultation. The biggest benefit for you and all of my clients is that I eliminate all of the obstacles for you. Call 1888-31-MATCH. Hope to meet you soon. - MTN Dear MTN, I am a 25-year-old female that is in love with my best guy friend. He is so handsome, funny, and perfect for me. I am nervous that he does not feel the same way. We have such a great time together and I can totally be myself around him. I don't know how to tell if he likes me too. It seems like he always goes for very very pretty girls but they don't treat him right and they don't even like the same things he does. We both like the same sports teams, traveling, white water rafting, dogs, we have the same political views, but we also are different enough that we always have something to talk about. These are good things right Maureen? What should I do to see if he feels the same way as I do? - Sue Dear Sue, I am afraid to say this, but I always suggest you have the guy make the first move. Please don't tell your "friend" your feelings for him. If he likes you more than a friend, believe me, he will let you know. I personally have many guy friends, and we have a great time together, get along great, have fun, tease each other, go out together, and all those great things - but that is it! Think about your relationship in this following way...You have the best of both worlds. You have a great guy who is always in your corner and there for you, without any of the headaches of dating. If you were bold and told him your feelings, you will be taking a huge risk of disappointment. It's not worth ruining your friendship. Keep and enjoy your friendship, and if down the road your friend starts to develop feelings for you, believe me, he will let you know!!! P.S. Many girls don't have the luxury of having guys as friends, so be thankful for that blessing...I think it's the greatest thing in the world. - MTN Dear MTN, I am a recent divorcee of about one year. My marriage had really failed a long time ago but it took a while to realize it for both of us. I feel ready to move on but I am worried about my kids. They are 14 and 12 and I think they are going to have a tough time with the idea of me moving on. My kids are the most important thing in the world to me but I have to be happy too. I don't want to let someone good slip through my fingers because I am scared of what my children will think. I don't want to hurt them but I want to be able to be with a man that makes me happy. MTN, do you have children, what do you think? - Donna Dear Donna, Yes, I also am divorced with two boys Brendan and Ryan who are around the same ages as yours. In the beginning of my divorce I thought the same way as you did. But surprisingly I bet if you were to sit your children down and ask them if they want you to find a man (who will never replace their father), but would just be there to make Mommy happy and be a friend to them, at their age, they will be happy. You will also notice once you find this great guy that not only will you feel happier for being loved, but your children will notice your happiness and be more happy themselves. They are at the perfect age now for you to start dating. They are probably going to be starting dating themselves. The only rule of thumb I advise you of is to wait six months of dating a man before you introduce him to your children. Best of luck to you! - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH