Dear MTN, I have been with my boyfriend for about two years. He really wants us to buy a house together but I think we should get married first. I don't question his commitment to me, but I think we should be married first before we move in together and buy a home together. I know he wants to marry me and he says he does, but I can't ask him to ask me - I want him to do it on his own. Do you agree? Also, I don't think I want to move in with him until he at least proposes. What should I do or say?? I really trust your judgement. My friends and I all love your column, thanks. - AnnMarie Dear AnnMarie, If you read my column, then you already know what I am going to say. I agree with you 100%. You need to be strong and stick to what you believe in. I advise you to just decline the offer to move in together. Keep it short and sweet...When he questions why, simply tell him the truth, that you don't believe in living together before marriage. That way you're not asking him to propose, but you're making it clear on how you feel. If he is the one, then he will propose. Good luck to you. - MTN Dear MTN, I have become OBSESSED with checking my boyfriend's cell phone. He has never cheated on me but when I look through his phone and I see a number I don't know, I go berserk! I want to know who every number is if it doesn't say a name. I have gotten more jealous and snoopy lately, and I just can't help myself. I don't know if you can relate at all to what I'm feeling, but I think some girls can. I just see his cell phone sitting on the couch and I have this desperate need to check who he has been talking to and who is texting him. I know it's an invasion of his privacy, but I really can't help myself. How do I calm myself down and learn to trust him? - Kim Dear Kim, I wish you would have given me your age. First of all, ask yourself the obvious question, would you like him to be snooping into your personal cell phone calls? I don't think so...This obsession you have is not healthy. Please consider going to a doctor and telling him what you told me. He or she will be better equiped to give you the best advice on how to stop this. I just know you NEED to stop this behavior because of how unhealthy it is for you. Keep me posted after you go to the doctor. - MTN Dear MTN, Every year I have this same problem with my mother-in-law at the holidays. My husband and I spend a ton of time at his parents house throught the year, and have dinner there all the time...then when the holidays come around, she wants us to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with them. It drives me nuts because we spend so much time with them and then she has the nerve to make a big deal about wanting both holidays! I think my parents and family deserve some quality time as well. I can't be harsh to my husband because it is his mother, but I have my own mother to worry about! I don't want to deal with this problem every year, but every year she makes it so difficult for us to make a decision and she lays this guilt trip on my husband. We don't have kids yet, but when we do it will only make things more difficult. I'm sure a lot of people have this problem with in-laws, what do you recommend I do?? - Lori Dear Lori, Even though you are married and not single, this is a very common problem, and one I know all about first hand. This is a problem that you must discuss with your husband. It is unfair that you have to spend all the holidays at his family's house, when you have a family of your own. You are certainly right when you say that this will only get worse when you have children. At that time I would recommend that you change all the rules and have the holidays at your home and invite both families. That will be the best thing for your children. For now, mention to your husband that you miss your family on the holidays and think it is time to start taking turns each year. He has to know this is very unfair for you and your family. Hopefully he is open to hearing your concerns. If he is great! If he is not, you need to address this very important issue with a counselor. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson is a private Matchmaker for eight years with over 1000 success stories. She covers the entire NY Metro area. Call for your appointment now at 1888-31-MATCH. For more information on MTN, visit her website at