Dear MTN, I am a 25 year old female who is looking for love. I am very conservative and don't believe in having sex until I am married. This decision has made it hard to me to find a nice guy my age that has the same values as I do. I don't need a man that necessarily has practiced what I have, but someone that at least respects my decision. I have made the decision and I plan on keeping it, but I am worried I will never find a man in this day and age that will respect and wait for me. I am thinking of using a dating service or a matchmaking service, I just don't know how to explain that this is important to me up front. Is this something I should talk about on the 3rd or 4th date? Obviously not the first date but then when? I really don't want to sacrifice my morals, but I am getting nervous I may never find love! - Marie Dear Marie, First of all I would like to commend you on making such an impressive promise to yourself. Many people your age do not have the strength to do what you are doing. I really applaud you my dear! Second, there is no WAY you should be sacrificing your values for love. You need a man that respects you and that decision because it shows what a great person you are and the level of man you deserve. You are SO young, you should not even think for a second there is a possibility you will never find love! I know when it comes to my clients, they are all marriage minded and they are looking for someone to spend the rest of their life with. I would recommend you being honest about what you want and not settling for anything less. If you wanted to join with me, I would of course make sure that the person would respect that value of you and it's not something you would have to bring up for the first few dates. It should definitely never be brought up on the first date! I can't say an exact date, but when you are comfortable enough to bare that side of you. - MTN Dear MTN, I am a very successful businessman that works upwards of 70 hours per week. I am 49 years old and I have never had time for a relationship. I tried some online services but really couldn't put the time into them. I think a lot of women are scared off by the fact that I am almost 50 and have never been married. They think I have commitment issues or something. I have dedicated my whole life to my business and although I could not be more proud, I feel I have lost out a lot. I have no children to leave my empire to and no woman to lie down next to at the end of the night. Maureen, all I want is a nice, caring, nurturing, lovely woman to share my life with. Is it too late for me? -Tim Dear Tim, It's so sad that you feel you are being looked down upon because you have devoted your life to work. It's the catch that a lot of men can find themselves in. They think for such a long time that money and success is the most important thing to them, and then they learn that they missed out on the love and loyalty of a wife and family. But Tim, there are no worries! It is never too late!! You are only 49! There are a TON of great women out there for you!! I'm sure there are plenty of women that would love you for you, especially if you are as hardworking as you say! If you can put this much effort into your business then you should be willing to put at LEAST a fraction of effort into finding love. As with my program, I tell the men I do all the work! I will find you someone compatible, but you have to make the time for the dates and the phone calls and of course THE FUN! Dating is fun! It's time to make time for it Tim!! -MTN Dear MTN, I am a middle aged married woman living in Westchester. My husband recently lost his job and we are not doing well. We are barely making our mortgage payment each month and in turn we are fighting like never before. He thinks he would have better luck finding a job if we moved to the mid-west. I don't want to leave New York!!! I love it here and I don't want to move. Our kids are 12 and 14 and they would be crushed to go! I know my husband is going to soon give me an ultimatum, stay by myself or go with him. I think that if we stick it out we can make it work here. He says we might wait until it's too late and have no savings left. I don't know what to do or how to state my argument. Whenever we argue he always wins and this is very important to me! What do I do?! -From Heidi Dear Heidi, There is a lot to think about here Heidi. Your marriage and family have to be number 1. What is best for them is best for you. I don't know if you are working, but if you're not maybe if you found something at least part time it would take the burden off your husband and maybe it will help with your case. You definitely DO NOT want to wait until your savings account has depleted to decide to move. It also may depend on how easy you feel it will be to sell your home. As far as your relationship goes, you need to work with your husband and make the decision best for your family. Maybe you can involve your kids to see what they would prefer. It's not fair for your husband to tell you that you are moving without giving you a chance to figure out a solution together. Neither one of you should be telling each other where you are going to live; it needs to be a joint decision. -MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH