Dear MTN, Help! I am dating a great guy that I met on the Internet. We have been dating for about six months and I've never been happier. I always read your column, so I am aware to look for the red flags that you always talk about. Something just happened this weekend, and I'm not sure if it qualifies as a red flag. I got bit by my friend's dog this week and I had to go to the doctor and get a tetanus shot. I was in a lot of pain for about two days. When I told him, he told me he wanted to go over there to my friend's house and shoot the dog for me. He actually said "shoot the dog!" I was very taken back by his aggressiveness. Is this understandable for a man to talk and feel this way, or is this A RED FLAG? -Margaret Dear Margaret, If the dog has an aggression problem the doctor probably would recommend that he be put to sleep, since having a dog like this is dangerous to have around people. As much as we love our pets, and I'm sure most of us do, we all have to realize that the safety of a human life comes first. Additionally, a dog with an aggression problem is not a happy dog to begin with...However that is the decision of the vet! and not your boyfriend. Do I think it is nice that he is so protective over you, yes! Do I think it is over the top what he said, YES! The best advice I can give you is to try to remember the tone of his voice when he said it. If he said it calmly and lovingly towards you, then maybe just be extra careful and aware of his personality...if he said it sternly and strongly, then it is definitely a red flag. Anyone that would be able to shoot a dog without any feelings is someone with abusive tendencies. Leave now while it's only six months. -MTN Dear MTN, I met a man at a party and he is very handsome and charming. He is from Italy and has the most romantic accent I have ever heard. My concern is that he is very private. I'm not sure if that is normal since we've only known each other for a month? Whenever I ask him what he does for a living, he is very evasive. Last week I pinned him down and asked him straight out for an answer. He says he dabbles in the stock market. My family is giving me grief that he is a con artist because of how secretive he is when it comes to money. Last night we were out for dinner and he told me about this great investment he heard about but that you need $250,000 for it. Then he mentioned that his friend said if they find people to pool together $50,000 each, they could all be partners and make millions. I was shocked! I told him I don't have that kind of money and he looked disappointed. I also noticed a difference in his personality right after that conversation. My question is, should I continue with this and see where it goes, since he already knows I don't have that kind of money anyway, or should I believe my family and break up with him. Please consider that I do like him very much. Thank you. -Karyn Dear Karyn, I have to side with your family on this one. It is totally unacceptable to bring up a subject matter such as this so soon into a relationship. He sounds very suspicious anyway about his career, and now this? Run for the hills my dear! There are many con artists out there, and believe me when I say they are very, very charming. Do not take a chance. It's not worth it. Good luck to you. -MTN Dear MTN, I've been dating a great girl for three months now. She asked me last night what I wanted for a Christmas present. I was taken back. I wasn't planning on getting her a present, since I barely know her. Even though she is great, pretty, and sweet, I still haven't been to her house, or she to mine, and we haven't even had sex yet. I would guess sex would be first before exchanging Christmas presents? Do you agree? Plus I'm not even exclusive with her. I have another girl I'm sort of dating for much longer, and I probably won't get her a present either. To me, I think you exchange gifts when you've been dating for about a year? What do you think? -Tommy Dear Tommy, I think you are cheap and self centered. Just re-read what you wrote to me. Do you even care about these girls? There is no rule that says you only give a gift after six months...You give someone a gift when you care about them. I suggest you ask yourself, do you care about either of these girls more than yourself? If you do, get them a gift. If you don't, be honest with them that you aren't at the same place in the relationship as they are. You will be very embarrassed if this great girl gives you a nice gift for Christmas and you have nothing for her. Again, if you like her, and the other girl, make sure you give them something. This is the time for giving!!! - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH