Dear MTN, I just got engaged last week and my fiance and I were going to announce it officially at Thanksgiving this year. We are having a nice Thanksgiving at our apartment for both of our families. Everything was going fine until my brother, who I was also going to ask to be my best man, called and told me he wants to announce that he and his wife are going to have their first baby. They have been trying for years to have one, so I can see how important this is to him. I don't see anything wrong with us announcing two great things at our Thanksgiving day dinner. My fiance is so angry at my brother's wife that she doesn't even want to have Thanksgiving anymore. I told her she is being ridiculous and selfish, and cannot change our plans at this late date. She agreed to have the dinner, but she still is very angry. She says that they are steeling our thunder and that they should wait until Christmas to make their announcement. Maureen, is it really such a big deal for woman these days to make an announcement like this and to start a fight over it. Both my brother and I are happy for eachother and could care less. Please tell me, is this a woman thing, or do I have a real problem on my hands. Thanks. - Brian Dear Brian, I can see your fiance's excitement over being able to give such exciting news, especially since you are hosting the party. Normally I would agree with her and say that it would be more appropriate for your brother and his wife to wait until another time, so you can have the whole spotlight to yourselves. But, in this case, knowing that they have been having so much trouble over the years trying to have a baby, it is normal that they would want to shout it out of the roof tops, especially to family and especially at a family event such as Thanksgiving. Just mention to your fiance that by letting them share their own fantastic news, just makes it more of a Thanksgiving celebration. Hopefully she will realize that the whole idea of Thanksgiving is for all to share in what they are thankful for. In fact, in my family, before we even eat, we all go around the huge table and my entire family has to mention one thing they are thankful for. This has become such a positive and loving experience for all of us, and we all even look forward to it. So maybe you two can start that tradition at your home...I wish you the best of luck. If your fiance is not receptive to this, please write me back. - MTN Please send in your questions to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson is Long Island's Most Successful Matchmakers with over eight year's experience and over 1000 Success Stories. She has been written up in many articles as our very own Irish Matchmaker. For more information on her services, check out her website at