Dear MTN, This is going to sound really paranoid, but my boyfriend of six months just told me he is going away on a trip by himself for the Holidays. I am really disappointed because I was planning on asking him to meet my family and spending the Holidays with my family. We see each other all the time and things have been going great for the past six months, so naturally I am blown away by this recent news. Do you think he is seeing someone else? Or has someone else and is going to visit her? Or do you just think I am being paranoid like all of my friends do. Thanks so much. - Suzy Dear Suzy, I am with you on this one. The only thing I will suggest is to mention to him that you were going to ask him to meet your family over the Holidays and see his reaction. Make sure you look straight into his eyes when he is answering you. If he looks away, that's a typical sign that he is hiding something. You'll find out what you need to know only once you are honest with him and confront him on your concerns. Good luck! - MTN Dear MTN, I have been dating Jane for only a few weeks and although things are really cool with us, I barely know her. She just mentioned to me last week that she bought me a Christmas present. I am really uncomfortable with this since I wasn't planning on getting her anything since it is too soon. I got nervous and have to admit that I just changed the subject since I didn't know how to answer. Do you agree with me that it is too soon to be exchanging gifts with someone I've just met. - Tom Dear Tom, Unfortunately there aren't any rules of when it is or isn't appropriate to start exchanging gifts with someone. You really just have to go with the flow and see how it feels, since it is different for every couple. For example, if you see her four times a week and have been going out for weeks and she picked you up alittle something, than I think that is fine. If you only see her once a week, and you've only seen her three times total, then it is way too soon...Again, it depends on the situation and the relationship. If you want to avoid any complications on Christmas you can simply ask her in a jokingly manner what she got you. If she says she got you something small just because she thought you would like it, then that is sweet and I would suggest you pick her up a nice, inexpensive necklace. Good luck with this one. I have a feeling she is moving alittle too fast for you, but that is just my intuition. - MTN Dear MTN, I am a 23 year old guy who is going on 30. I literally had to grow up on my own. Because I am so mature for my age I like older women. I recently met a beautiful, smart, funny 35 year old woman whom I think is perfect for me. I have asked her out about 10 times already and can't get her to realize that I am seriously into her. I don't care at all about her age and I don't know why she is making such a big deal about it. How can I get her to forget about the stupid age factor and give me a chance. - Mike Dear Mike, Unfortunately my dear, it is not always about you. This beautiful 35 year old woman might be looking for a very mature man. No offense, but you don't know how to take no for an answer. That is also a sign of immaturity. You might think you are perfect for her, but did you think for a second of what she wants? Why don't you ask her what she is looking for in a man. You might just get the answer to your question of why she keeps saying NO! Sorry... - MTN To have your questions answered by MTN, please email them [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson is a Private Matchmaker in the NY Metro area. She has been successfully Matchmaking singles for over eight years with over 1000 success stories. For more information on her services, check out her website at